Not finishing things

I never finish anything. 

Lol it's literally like it sounds. I start things and then I just abandon it. I started learning the guitar, stopped after a day. I write, either just for fun or working on a book or assignments...then I just stop.

I think I lose interest or mmaybe it's anxiety that it won't be any good? Anxiety that I'll fail?

Then just now I started making a sandwich and drink and stopped midway through no longer feeling interested in it. This causes me issues at times with self neglect because I don't eat and drink enough... and my school stuff goes unfinished.

Just curious really as to why I'm like this and if anyone else about this site can relate to it. I tell my family and they just stare at me. 

If it's something you do to let me know, would be nice if it's not just a me thing!BlushBlush

  • For me this issue occurs only if I do some project and someone interrupts me. At work it’s hard but at work things have to be done. So I force myself and finish asap what I started. But private projects… there is one drawing I started 5 years ago. There is very little left to finish it and I know how and what to do there. But I can’t start. Maybe one day I will finish it and then I will publish it in our creative space. There is also a novel that I started and struggle to finish although I have idea. And some other unfinished graphics on my pc. I guess this is the inertia. If someone interrupts me then I have problems to go back to that previous task. But otherwise I have no problem to get things done. What you described sounds to me more like ADHD but im not sure. 

  • Another member said about ADHD as well it's something I'm going to mention to my mum and see what she thinks. I'll be looking it up as well I like to research things in detail especially if it's something I might have. 

    It's so cool you do graphics! What kind do you do? I love graphics, I want to start doing 3d graphic designing. But so far I've never started it... I'd love to do it in the future as a job. But again starting and not finishing puts me off big time.

    Something my mum says is doing things little and often maybe that might help you like with your book. You could set aside 5 mins a day... might help to do it. I do this with my own writing it doesn't work all the time but it has helped me at times. 

  • I learn by myself, so I’m not a professional in it, but had some help of other profi. I have my graphics in my profile. I mostly create png objects and then I like to make a picture with them by using various types of effects, manipulation etc. I work in photoshop and gimp, also Krita - is really easy programme with intuitive menu. But for animations the photoshop is best. Yeah I also like doing gif animations. Now I’m a morher of 2,5 yo so I have no time for most of my hobbies that were super intense before and I used to forget the whole world while being busy. But as Uhane described- in a really beautiful way! My hobbies are still there in the “toy box” and I dont forget them. I will pick them some day again! Sometimes I change my hobbies, in a way that I don’t fully neglect the previous one but if something new captivating appears it may throw some shadow on my previous hobby for some time. Till I decide to take the previous one. It’s like with my daughter and her toys. She has a lot of them. From time to time I take some of her toys and hide them for some time. When she sees them again after some time, she enjoys them as if they were new. 

  • I red your profile! So relatable I also enjoy these things. I love the reflections of sun or moon rays on the water, trees, birds, flowers. I love the nature. I relate a lot to your experience. And your cat is lovely! I think that cats and autistic people have a lot in common! - like hiding in a small space, don’t like noise, like walking their own paths and solitude. 

  • Creativity is such an amazing escape, it's enjoyable and generally I'm always happy with the result whether it's something I've written or drawn. Though most of what I've created is only half done lol *sobs*...but I'll work on this! 

    So sorry you had to endure bullying. That on top of an average day of school with the noise and continuous change of routine is utterly overwhelming. I suffer meltdowns after school and shutdown depending on how draining and traumatic the day was. After school I always go up to my room and have a nap and then I try and chill and relax as my body recovers. I wish there was more understanding for autism, it's like its known but people aren't really aware of how to help. 
    Maybe that will get better though.
    I hope there'll be more awareness in the end. Autism is mentioned in a lot of books abs shows now like Big Bang so I'm hoping the word will be more aware of and then more help and support will follow for people.
  • Thank you for your kind words. I have never used adobe illustrator. Creativity is often our refuge from this crazy world. I can see here, that being bullied is very common autistic experience. I even saw a meme here, that it’s ridiculous how poor mental health professionals are at recognising autism when compared to kids how good they are at it when it comes to deciding whom to bully. 
    i was bullied and I suffered from noise during the school breaks. Wanted to have breaks in a classroom alone, but of course I heard that nobody will adjust just to make such an accommodation for me. Which resulted with meltdowns at home after school. Well, long story. I’m happy that it’s behind. Unfortunately graduating from school does not mean the bullying finished, adults also can bully in a more subtle way. Hopefully the awareness about autism will spread and autistic people will not suffer so much. There are more and more people who are aware. 

  • Your creations and pics are awesome! Your so creative and talented. I would love to be creative like that. Love your dolls to! I have a few from when I was little, I held on to most of them but don't play with them as much anymore. I like Photoshop sometimes I spend some time creating with it but for my own graphics I'll try and use Blender to sculpt them... but don't know if I'll ever get round to it. Like the lovely Uhane said I can store it in the toy box and come to it anytime in the future after schools fished maybe. Have you used Adobe Illustrator before? I see a lot of people use it but I haven't before.

    Being a mum must be hard work. I'm sorry you don't get to do your hobbies as much atm. I like what you do with your daughters toys, really sweet... if I'm ever a mum I'll do that to I think that's a really sweet fun thing to do.
    I read your profile and how you were bullied at school. I can relate, it's a frequent thing for me to. I think a lot of autistic people get bullied sadly but it was this back before I knew about autism when I started school why I started writing and drawing. I find I'm able to pour my pain in to those.
    Sort of a nice release for me and turning something ugly in to something beautiful.
  • Your creations and pics are awesome! Your so creative and talented. I would love to be creative like that. Love your dolls to! I have a few from when I was little, I held on to most of them but don't play with them as much anymore. I like Photoshop sometimes I spend some time creating with it but for my own graphics I'll try and use Blender to sculpt them... but don't know if I'll ever get round to it. Like the lovely Uhane said I can store it in the toy box and come to it anytime in the future after schools fished maybe. Have you used Adobe Illustrator before? I see a lot of people use it but I haven't before.

    Being a mum must be hard work. I'm sorry you don't get to do your hobbies as much atm. I like what you do with your daughters toys, really sweet... if I'm ever a mum I'll do that to I think that's a really sweet fun thing to do.
    I read your profile and how you were bullied at school. I can relate, it's a frequent thing for me to. I think a lot of autistic people get bullied sadly but it was this back before I knew about autism when I started school why I started writing and drawing. I find I'm able to pour my pain in to those.
    Sort of a nice release for me and turning something ugly in to something beautiful.
  • I red your profile! So relatable I also enjoy these things. I love the reflections of sun or moon rays on the water, trees, birds, flowers. I love the nature. I relate a lot to your experience. And your cat is lovely! I think that cats and autistic people have a lot in common! - like hiding in a small space, don’t like noise, like walking their own paths and solitude. 

  • Creativity is such an amazing escape, it's enjoyable and generally I'm always happy with the result whether it's something I've written or drawn. Though most of what I've created is only half done lol *sobs*...but I'll work on this! 

    So sorry you had to endure bullying. That on top of an average day of school with the noise and continuous change of routine is utterly overwhelming. I suffer meltdowns after school and shutdown depending on how draining and traumatic the day was. After school I always go up to my room and have a nap and then I try and chill and relax as my body recovers. I wish there was more understanding for autism, it's like its known but people aren't really aware of how to help. 
    Maybe that will get better though.
    I hope there'll be more awareness in the end. Autism is mentioned in a lot of books abs shows now like Big Bang so I'm hoping the word will be more aware of and then more help and support will follow for people.
  • Thank you for your kind words. I have never used adobe illustrator. Creativity is often our refuge from this crazy world. I can see here, that being bullied is very common autistic experience. I even saw a meme here, that it’s ridiculous how poor mental health professionals are at recognising autism when compared to kids how good they are at it when it comes to deciding whom to bully. 
    i was bullied and I suffered from noise during the school breaks. Wanted to have breaks in a classroom alone, but of course I heard that nobody will adjust just to make such an accommodation for me. Which resulted with meltdowns at home after school. Well, long story. I’m happy that it’s behind. Unfortunately graduating from school does not mean the bullying finished, adults also can bully in a more subtle way. Hopefully the awareness about autism will spread and autistic people will not suffer so much. There are more and more people who are aware.