Not finishing things

I never finish anything. 

Lol it's literally like it sounds. I start things and then I just abandon it. I started learning the guitar, stopped after a day. I write, either just for fun or working on a book or assignments...then I just stop.

I think I lose interest or mmaybe it's anxiety that it won't be any good? Anxiety that I'll fail?

Then just now I started making a sandwich and drink and stopped midway through no longer feeling interested in it. This causes me issues at times with self neglect because I don't eat and drink enough... and my school stuff goes unfinished.

Just curious really as to why I'm like this and if anyone else about this site can relate to it. I tell my family and they just stare at me. 

If it's something you do to let me know, would be nice if it's not just a me thing!BlushBlush

  • For me this issue occurs only if I do some project and someone interrupts me. At work it’s hard but at work things have to be done. So I force myself and finish asap what I started. But private projects… there is one drawing I started 5 years ago. There is very little left to finish it and I know how and what to do there. But I can’t start. Maybe one day I will finish it and then I will publish it in our creative space. There is also a novel that I started and struggle to finish although I have idea. And some other unfinished graphics on my pc. I guess this is the inertia. If someone interrupts me then I have problems to go back to that previous task. But otherwise I have no problem to get things done. What you described sounds to me more like ADHD but im not sure. 

  • For me this issue occurs only if I do some project and someone interrupts me. At work it’s hard but at work things have to be done. So I force myself and finish asap what I started. But private projects… there is one drawing I started 5 years ago. There is very little left to finish it and I know how and what to do there. But I can’t start. Maybe one day I will finish it and then I will publish it in our creative space. There is also a novel that I started and struggle to finish although I have idea. And some other unfinished graphics on my pc. I guess this is the inertia. If someone interrupts me then I have problems to go back to that previous task. But otherwise I have no problem to get things done. What you described sounds to me more like ADHD but im not sure. 

  • Another member said about ADHD as well it's something I'm going to mention to my mum and see what she thinks. I'll be looking it up as well I like to research things in detail especially if it's something I might have. 

    It's so cool you do graphics! What kind do you do? I love graphics, I want to start doing 3d graphic designing. But so far I've never started it... I'd love to do it in the future as a job. But again starting and not finishing puts me off big time.

    Something my mum says is doing things little and often maybe that might help you like with your book. You could set aside 5 mins a day... might help to do it. I do this with my own writing it doesn't work all the time but it has helped me at times.