Any music fans?

**I'm a music lover!** I like most music but in particular pop, some rock, blues, boy/girl groups and have a big interest in Elvis Presley - I have a lot of Elvis's vinyl, CDs and books about him. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, so if you have any recommendations, please let me know! I'm also a big fan of going to concerts and seeing live music. I've seen Elton John live twice and also Adele live once. There's nothing like the feeling of being in a crowd of people and singing along to your favourite songs! Though I do get anxious at live concerts so I don't go to many.

What are your favorite types of music?

Do you have any favorite bands or artists? I'd love to hear about them!

  • I like people like Ed Sheeran, but mainly boybands, so Westlife, Take That, 1D, JLS etc mainly.

    I've been to see Westlife and JLS live, on my own.

  • I like Ed Sheeran and That That and 1D as well. They are all really amazing! Congrats on going to see them live on your own. How did you get on? I love live performances, but I find them stressful and have to be careful that I don't go into sensory overload and have a panic attack. I do like live concerts though it's an amazing experience to have.

  • I like Ed Sheeran and That That and 1D as well. They are all really amazing! Congrats on going to see them live on your own. How did you get on? I love live performances, but I find them stressful and have to be careful that I don't go into sensory overload and have a panic attack. I do like live concerts though it's an amazing experience to have.

  • Yeah, I'm the same. I just feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable if I'm on my own, I don't fully know what I'm doing or what to do, how to present myself etc. 

  • But you did it on your own and that's something you can be proud of yourself for doing. Celebrate the victories, big and small - both are big achievements.

    Given the choice I would rather go with somebody else as well. Generally I don't really like being out by myself especially when I'm going to a busy environment.

    Like you said it's more a safety thing.

  • The first gig I went to was at Wembley Stadium and I could have done with someone with me but plans didn't work out that way. I had the option though. Second time round was at the Utilita in Birmingham and there was, for many reasons, not the option.

    It's one of those things I know I can do myself but if given the choice, I would prefer to have company. Just for safety more than anything.

  • It's different when you're on your own. When I went to see Adele live I was on my own as well, the same when I saw Bo Burnham - and I think I felt more exposed, more vulnerable because what if something happened and I had no one to help me - whereas when I went with my mom I knew she'd be able to help me if I needed assistance with anything like with the tickets etc. 

    Came out alive though so I can't complain too much.

    That's always a good thing lol Joy I always feel half dead after a live concert. 

    Do you think you'll go with someone next time you see someone live or will you hit it solo again? 

    I'm seeing Taylor Swift live with my mom later this year. She always pulls a big crowd and I didn't feel confident enough to see her live on my own.

  • I managed it, although I felt a bit uneasy. The exiting the arena/stadium bit would have been so much easier with someone else, and even then it just felt a bit weird. Not the fact that I'm a guy, but the fact I'm a guy on his own, and I couldn't get that out of my head.

    Came out alive though so I can't complain too much.