Newly diagnosed, who do I tell

I’ve just found out today I’m autistic,

I’m a 40 year old male and I don’t know who to tell other than my wife and children. 
do I keep this to myself or let the world know

  • I've told my family and closest friends. At work I've told my immediate boss and the business manager of my division, both of whom understand autism, and two other colleagues both of whom are actively involved in autism awareness. Nobody else at work needs to know. I'm fortunate in that I don't need any adjustments in the workplace (I work in a non-people-facing position, 100% remote).

    I take an active part in autism discussions online, but anonymously. The internet is too toxic. I don't use social media at all, except Mastodon.

  • I’ve looked up some info about this site/platform and I am very impressed - please do keep talking about this site as much as possible 

Reply Children
  • In a nutshell, Mastodon is a federated platform. People run their own servers which communicate with each other. It is not owned by a corporation, there are no ads, and there are no 'likes'. The specific server I have an account on is which is (as you can tell) aimed at neurodivergent people.