What is wrong with wanting to marry a man from a good family, with a good job and looks good too?

1. I told my colleagues this 

2. I fell out with this one guy and told him that the only reason he was gonna get girls was bc he was 1. tall and 2. his dad is rich 

3. Now everybody is making fun of me, telling me to stop bothering that one guy in an attempt to get my hands on his inheritance 

  • perfectly fine logic, rich people often get girls all around them chasing their wealth... looks though i dont think matters as you get alot of old or ugly rich people getting all the young girls.... girls only like money, thats what they go for. looks and age doesnt matter so much as money.

    but this makes rich people stupid though. because why would you want a girl that only sees your wealth? it will be a terrible social structure and not a real relationship, the girl would be more like a enemy in my eyes rather than a friend or relationship... lower than basic acquaintance in my eyes if all they see in you is money.

  • girls only like money, thats what they go for. looks and age doesnt matter so much as money.

    I have clearly been doing something wrong all my life Thinking

  • Most of us have been clearly "doing something wrong most of our lives". 

    When I set out to fix my own issues, and choose a "better life" (and I'm not going to lie, I've been quite sucessfull at it, which confers some small authority on my attempts to help others, by passing on what I know to be true) some of the stuff I've learned has been really difficult, and to be honest, soem of it flies in the face of what modern life teaches us. 

    This creates a gulf of cognitive abilty between those who parctice thinking for themsleves and those (the majority) who are too busy trying to get along and outsource that function to other people. 

    We have both types of people here, and it appears as I suspected, and hoped would be the case, there seems to be more of us on this forum. 

    There is one GLARING difference between the two groups however. Our sort can tolerate your existence and right to express yourselves providing you don't actually organise to "mob" people who "say the wrong thing". Since that seems to have stopped now, (thank you all very much) I note that the exodus of people seems to have slowed.

    Why the people who call for tolerance turn out consistently to be the most  intolerant of all, is a wry joke on humanity... 

    We are all in this togther people.

    If I may appeal to sanity, the fact is DIVERSITY is still a real thing, despite the efforts (documented) of our leadership (aided by the left) to remove all diversity and end up with a single easily controlled mestizo mass of human beings consuming whatever is provided to them from the state.

    The reason why I didn't want you to leave when you were last telegraphing that intent to the world is precisely because whilst I think your politicss are poorly formed in some areas, I don't thnk that's all you are "cardboard cut out rabid feminst".

    I See you as a fully formed human being who has something to offer here, at least to those who think like you do, Some of what you say reveals a real kindness and concern (At least, for half the membership here :c) 

    I spent a portion of my formative years being the only (AUHD!) boy in a class of 39 girls, with a female teacher, so don't tell me I know nothing about women, I did the course in womens studies.


    I got interrupted in my post by my o/h being in tears over an insurance matter. She describes herself as a "Feminist"  but in this case it looks like someone needs to go and "mansplain" to some people over the telephone exactly what they should be doing, and in short, my toxic masculinity is required to stop these people taking advantage of my woman. And you know what, she quite likes it... 

  • Thank you for your perspective, on how I come across to you, and others of your ilk. 

    To take your last sentence and reply to it,

    1. You are incorrect, things appear to have improved in some areas for me considerably post diagnosis and particularly this year.`

    2. Although I'm repeatedly told "There is no help for you", by those who's job it is supposedly to help me, which is a part of my deeply held sense of "betrayal by government" and the resultant total lack of trust I now have for most (but not all) of our institutions, I'm always open to a bit of help.

    What help do you think I need?

  • ISperg, I understand that autism brings with it certain communication differences, so I would like to offer my perspective on how you present to myself.

    Your phrasing seems to infer you have some kind of authority here, possibly a superiority to others. You have to understand that all people do actually think for themselves but you have trouble respecting that.

    Following the narrative that there are "two types of people here" will only create division, so people may not like you because of this viewpoint.

    You seem paranoid that a mob has been raised against you, I haven't seen any evidence of that.

    Some of your comments - "cardboard cutout rabid feminist" could be misconstrued as a thinly veiled insult, and I'm sure you don't want to come across as an insulting person as that shows a lack of intelligence.

    I don't think your knowledge of women is the issue - it's more like a basic human understanding.

    I see you have made a lot of posts here but maybe things haven't improved for you? It could be that getting help from somewhere else may be a good idea?

  • ISperg, I understand that autism brings with it certain communication differences, so I would like to offer my perspective on how you present to myself.

    Your phrasing seems to infer you have some kind of authority here, possibly a superiority to others. You have to understand that all people do actually think for themselves but you have trouble respecting that.

    Following the narrative that there are "two types of people here" will only create division, so people may not like you because of this viewpoint.

    You seem paranoid that a mob has been raised against you, I haven't seen any evidence of that.

    Some of your comments - "cardboard cutout rabid feminist" could be misconstrued as a thinly veiled insult, and I'm sure you don't want to come across as an insulting person as that shows a lack of intelligence.

    I don't think your knowledge of women is the issue - it's more like a basic human understanding.

    I see you have made a lot of posts here but maybe things haven't improved for you? It could be that getting help from somewhere else may be a good idea?

  • Thank you for your perspective, on how I come across to you, and others of your ilk. 

    To take your last sentence and reply to it,

    1. You are incorrect, things appear to have improved in some areas for me considerably post diagnosis and particularly this year.`

    2. Although I'm repeatedly told "There is no help for you", by those who's job it is supposedly to help me, which is a part of my deeply held sense of "betrayal by government" and the resultant total lack of trust I now have for most (but not all) of our institutions, I'm always open to a bit of help.

    What help do you think I need?