"Autistic" things you do.

What "autistic" things do you find yourselves doing? I do a lot of different things which I know a neurotypical wouldn't think twice about.

One of them is making sure everything in my house is straight, so the chairs, my books and DVDs on the shelf, pictures hanging on the wall and plenty more than that.

Recently I was doing up an MG Maestro and had noticed the offside headlight wasn't seated properly and was facing a little to the side. This bothered me so much, playing at the back of my mind until finally I went out and straightened it because I couldn't cope with it not being right.

I feel like I was actually approaching a meltdown, that's how much this sort of thing bothers me.

Am I alone in being this way?

  • I constantly straighten and categorise things I own and if I hear something to do with something I'm really interested in then I will info dump; God help whoever is on the receiving end lol.

    And when I'm really really happy I purr like a cat lol Smiley cat it's nice around family but I've done it in front of people who don't know me and they give me the weirdest looks.

    Thought I would add some more as my brain is in thinking mode right this sec.

  • when I'm really really happy I purr like a cat lol

    Not really the same, but I imitate my dog a lot. I try to copy her sounds perfectly as I can. One time I started barking just for fun and my mom said "Can someone see why Ali's barking?" and when I told her it was me then she didnt believe me. We recorded me barking and sent it to her family chat and they all thought I was a real dog lol

  • Wow that's a cool thing to be able to do! Slight smile 

    I like to mimic, though I haven't done a dog before, I like to mimic voices of actresses and cartoon characters I like. I'm not even sure if I could do an animal actually! 

    I heard that mimicking is a frequent skill for a lot of people with autism. I heard that last year at a local autism group I was going to each month.

  • Wow that's a cool thing to be able to do! Slight smile 

    I like to mimic, though I haven't done a dog before, I like to mimic voices of actresses and cartoon characters I like. I'm not even sure if I could do an animal actually! 

    I heard that mimicking is a frequent skill for a lot of people with autism. I heard that last year at a local autism group I was going to each month.

  • Thank you! 

    If you do your own as well let me know and I'll subscribe Slight smile

  • Aw thanks Slight smile

    If you do start a YT channel, let me know and ill subscribe

  • Whatever you want to. You're a very eccentric and interesting person so I'm sure it would be awesome.

    I've done videos for myself as a hobby. But I am thinking about doing it for Youtube at some point. I want to do autism vlogs and just about anything generally.

  • and that way you'll be alive for Frozen 4 as well!

    Yes very good point Slight smile

    Hm.. I could make YouTube videos. I dont even know how to start or what to make it about though

  • Rather than getting a deathly disease you could do Youtube videos I saw a video a while ago about actors and singers who were noticed by famous people and made famous because they were seen in a video.You never know, it could happen, and that way you'll be alive for Frozen 4 as well! And don't worry, we're all a little crazy. Wink 

    I'm sorry you grew up in a toxic environment, I know exactly how that feels and the negative impact it casts over your life. I hope things are better for you now as well. I think that's incredible how Frozen saved your life and also how impressive and clever your mind is to be able to do it. The autistic mind really is incredible and a good imagination is often mentioned about it. If you want to do voice acting it's something you can consider at a later time when you're a bit older if you want to, look at the people who voiced the Frozen cast they were all adults when the movie was done. Never give up on your dreams, there is and always will be, hope.

  • Frozen 3 here you come!

    OH I WOULD DIE OF JOY IF I WERE IN FROZEN 3!! I actually for months was asking my mom how I could get a deathly disease. If I was dying and asked disney to be in Frozen 3 theyd be more likely to say yes than if I was just some random teen who is obsessed with Frozen. I wouldnt even care if I died after that, I JUST WANT TO BE IN FROZEN AHHHHHH. Heh, I swear im not crazy (maybe a little crazy)

    I wanted to be an actress and animator but whenever ive tried auditioning for something my anxiety is so awful, so bad that the casting people can tell (im talking voice shaking, not making eye contact, sweating, face red, almost in tears) so yeahh I gave up on that dream. 
    I think making movie is sort of like being a hero honestly though. When I was younger my family was completly toxic and abusive, so I never felt like I could talk to them about stuff (even small meaningless things) but when I tried telling other people about my family issues, they would just say I was making it up for attention because my family had to act "perfect" in public and they never knew. Anyway um I basically would cry every night but after Frozen 2, I had someone to talk to. I would mentally travel to Arendelle and talk to Anna. She would comfort me and give me advice and she actually helped my mental health a ton (I get very defensive if someone talks bad of her), I would imagine different senarios too and she would help me and hug me and stuff like that. So Frozen might have been made to make money and to entertain, but that movie pretty much saved my life, which is why I think people who make movies are heros because they tell stories that might just save someone even if they dont realise. I wanted to make a story that could be a hero to someone else because I always wanted to be a hero after my family for so long called me a monster.
    Wow I just realised what this thread is about... I got off topic

  • Wowzah that is so cool you could star in a Disney movie! Frozen 3 here you come! Being able to do voices is such a beautiful talent I think.

    Growing up I always wanted to be an actress and work in movies and animations. I think if I hadn't been so anxious I might have actually tried pursuing it, as it happens I'm now signed off from work with mental health.
    Voices I can do are Marge Simpson, Gwen Tenyson from Ben 10, can do a pretty good Spongebob lol and a lot of other silly voices and accents. My best accent is Scottish but I'm actually Irish which is nice I can do lots of other voices and accents. Sometimes for fun I'll spend a day or two speaking in a different voice or accent. I love to do this.
  • I also like to do characters. I can do Mickey Mouse decently well, and I can get my singing voice to sound pretty simular to Kristen Bell and Mandy Moore (others too but they are probably the ones I sound closest to). Im not very good other than that tho. I mostly just do my own silly characters. I can do a grandma, a veryyy old grandma, different accents, and then just nonsence weird voices. I used to be able to sing as Donald Duck and Yoda when I was 9ish but I cant do it anymore sadly