Christmas shopping. SOS. SEND HELP!

It's that time of the year again when my Good Lady decides she needs to go in to the heart of the big bustling town to do her Christmas shopping. I have tried to convey to her that online shopping is not only cheaper but also far less hassle. However as usual she is not listening to me and is set in her ways.

But it gets worse...

She wants me to not only take her to town but also to go shopping with her!!!

It will be nice to get out for a bit, she tells me.

So quite naturally I have been trying my best to get out of this all week but I am quite depressed to announce my cunning ploys have all failed and I am driving in to London this morning. Drat.

I had pretended to be ill but she didn't believe me. I hid in my study but she found me. The woman is determined, I will give her that.

So, my granddaughter who also has autism has given me tips on how to get through today. I'm glad she has autism, we help each other through the challenges life throws.

I have her tips to assist me today.

This morning I have checked the tyre pressure on the Rolls. All good. I've checked the oil. All good. I started it to go to the post office and it started.

However if by some miracle you are able to save me from this dreadful situation then please do send help to get me out of it! 

  • Why don't you just say, "No thanks, this year I'll pass on that. I'm not feeling up to it"? I don't quite see the point of forcing yourself through this when your partner isn't respective of your autism. Shop online and get it all delivered. 

    I, too, regularly check the tyre pressure on my Reliant Robin. This morning I noted some hoodlums have had off with the hubcaps!

  • This morning I noted some hoodlums have had off with the hubcaps!

    Sorry to hear that Frowning2

  • I was joking.Grin

    I've never owned a car. Don't feel the need. Not driven in over 10 years! (except for go-karting)

  • (I got 17 years out of one that ended it's life being driven into a canal on casualty)

    Story please. 

    I enjoyed this post.

    Very informative. 

  • First time out in a reliant I had it on two wheels and it was only the girl in the back having the presence of mind to put her weight in the right place whilst I tried to finesse the rest of the turn a bit more that allows me to laugh at the experience. 

    The perceived social status, is I will admit, the major thing that goes against owning a "posh" car. 

    There are however, massive, massive, benefits to owing the right older "posh car". When I paid 1300 for my Daimler 4.0 with LPG conversion from a dealer, I was buying a car that had once cost (the football association, allegedly) 62,000 originally. this car was not owned by someone who put cheap tyres on it or stretched the service intervals or raced other salesmen, no, for most of it's life until it no longer conveyed prestige it was LOOKED AFTER, they all are! of course the owner before the dealer had fitted the cheap tyres, had not attended to the valve seals when it started smoking but instead had added stuff to the oil etc. so there was going to be some further spending required, plus it came form a dealer but was at private price so you just KNOW there's a mechanical issue somewhere, (It was the differential and teh bugger turned up the radio as soon as it started to become audible, which actually cost him an extra 200 quid in the haggling 'cos I knew he wanted rid of it, BUT 16 years later I still have it...  

    A "posh car is also nice and quiet inside, designed to be easy and stress free to drive, normally an automatic box, which is a wonderful, wonderful thing to have, a nice sounding stereo, often cool in the summer air conditioning, and unlike a 20 year old ford renault etc, once you do get your posh old banger right, unless it's a ferrari, it stays right for quite a while. 

    I've seen the look a few strangers give me when I'm driving the sort of cars I own, and they are wrong, I didn't buy it to "impress" (Although I do enjoy putting a shine on it with the glim, and I personally am very enamoured with the styling and design choices, so if people find the car impressive I'm not going to argue) but I drive my paid for in one hit old posh car because after the initial extra messing about is done it makes better economic sense over borrowing more to buy a conventional car which will break down more often in the long term and not be as nice to drive. 

    Older less sporty BMW's can be a wonderful car to own (I got 17 years out of one that ended it's life being driven into a canal on casualty) or a Volvo. Leave the mecedes to the sort of people who like those, be very skeptical also of audi, any Jaguar built after 1997, I now nothing about porsches but people seem to think that the ones with the boxer engine are best, but whatever posh car you might consider, get advice always from someone who knows the make and model you are interested in if you can. 

    Bigger more expensive cars are built to last longer and depreciate faster than regular cars, and there definitely is a sweet spot that has always worked very well for me. Yes the insurance can be stratospheric but my car is only worth 1300 quid so despite being insurance group 1 million, it's astoundingly cheap compared to say a two litre more modern toyota. My dailer was 250 quid five eyars ago, last time I used it.  

  • Me neither, I've made a lot of use of local bus services and got to know them pretty well. I used to find public transport overwhelming and avoided it generally so have had a lot of practice at using it in the last decade and can even enjoy it at times these days (I'd like to perhaps try using trains, coaches and even planes again which I haven't for many years now and even enjoy them too). 

  • Me neither, I've made a lot of use of local bus services and got to know them pretty well. I used to find public transport overwhelming and avoided it generally so have had a lot of practice at using it in the last decade and can even enjoy it at times these days (I'd like to perhaps try using trains, coaches and even planes again which I haven't for many years now and even enjoy them too). 

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