What's something cool you can do?

I can do a backflip and I can mimic most voices I hear. The mimicking is a special talent, according to my MH nurse. I used to have an almost photographic memory but recently I lost it, my memory is patchy now.

  • I LOVE apples.  Eat them like a hungry horse !

  • I noticed there is a preponderance of Arts and craft stuff here. I’d really love to know if there’s anyone doing more STEM type cool things.

    or perhaps more athletics/performances type stuff?

    don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade, but knitting sweaters and training dogs to do tricks, it’s all a bit provincial to be cool. Unless maybe the dog’s jumping through hoops of fire.

    when I think of cool stuff I think of the guy who made a scanning electron microscope in his shed, or the girl I met at a music festival who did her art project recreating vintage porn with modern porn stars on recreated old film. She will forever be known as a girl who directed porn for her final year art project; whether you agree with it or not it’s certainly noteworthy. Or the guy I met who figured out how to hack local council message boards and use it to display the message ‘all glory to Hypno toad.’

    how do we define cool anyway?

  • That is very cool, Pegg. Gosh they look delicious, lucky you getting to make something so special and then eat it after.

  • Thank you DeSpereaux. It sounds nice..

    I like apples 

  • It is cool Pegg.. I had a cake once with pinkish apples at the bottom of it with custard on top, this reminds me of that and I never enjoyed just enjoying a cake, more that I enjoyed enjoying that.. so it gets maximum cool points for sure..Sunglasses

  • Yea - like I've said before, I am now prompted to say again......You're a goodun Pegg !

  • Yes, its cool.  Yes, its fun.  I've lost count of your abilities....you're a Super Auti !

    I don't really see it that way, my abilities are painfully limited in my own opinion and I'm not really seeking applause for what, in my view, is rarely more than adequate. 

    But thank you Number.

  • I can play the guitar left and right handed. I'm ambidextrous.

  • I have already posted on this, but my family reminded me today that I can skin and dismember a dogfish in under 5mins, with or without pliers. And only people who have held a dogfish will realise how cool that is but you're all getting told anyway :)

  • I'm beginning to rediscover that I have really good music pitch awareness. I can tell when something is out of tune by quite small degrees. This is kinda cool, but also quite annoying - I don't really enjoy hearing out-of-tune songs.

    Weirdly, the more out of tune, the less annoying it is. It's when someone (or something) is fractionally out that I get bothered, mostly because there aren't that many people who can hear it. Jimmy Somerville was just a smidge out on his high notes, the sax player on Madness's "One Step Beyond" is just out of tune (apparently he has admitted that he didn't know how to tune his sax), and Boy George is flat just enough to make 'Karma Chameleon' uncomfortable for me to listen to.

    Madonna had good pitch, so did George Michael and Simon Le Bon. I watched the Coronation big gig and a lot of the acts were uncomfortable to listen to! Oh, and Freddie Mercury could hit a note.

    Sometimes if pop music is your career, autotune is your friend.

  • Yes, its cool.  Yes, its fun.  I've lost count of your abilities....you're a Super Auti !

    Disambiguation - I do hope that my use of this new term, invented by me, on the spot, does not cause offence, upset or irritation to you, dear Pegg, nor the viewing public, autists, autistic people, people with autism or any other type of human who can read.  It is meant solely as a heartfelt compliment for the intended recipient.

  • Cake? I can do that! Is it cool? Dunno, but it's fun! Joy

  • I love your sunflowers.

    Thank you Blossom

  • Thanks Debbie, that's nice of you to say Blush

    You take lovely photos, I love your sunflowers.

  • Blush I was a bit confused by the whole thing... 

    But part of the prize was a soft toy dolphin, which I did like. We were the best of friends.

    Until one day my brother set him in fire... 

    That's another story though! Joy

  • My poem was about the sea. I won a prize for it eventually... once a bunch of adults had asked me where I'd read it! 

    What an achievement!

  • They ask you to do something, you do it, then they don't believe you actually did it! 

    I agree.

    You are very talented, both with words and images.

  • I do wonder what people want sometimes! They ask you to do something, you do it, then they don't believe you actually did it! 

    It's bonkers. 

    My poem was about the sea. I won a prize for it eventually... once a bunch of adults had asked me where I'd read it! 

  • Do you also write poetry?

    Yes and from a similarly young age.

    I wrote a short story in my senior school and the teacher didn't believe I had written it.