What if?

I was thinking, what iif ND was the norm and NT was seen as being odd. For example, if comments were made or questions asked of people who made eye contact. What other examples can you think of?

  • Well, it isn't banned on all subjects....yet... ...but for a surprisingly huge range of topics it is.. ..and that list only ever seems to grow, and at an ever increasing rate.

  • I know, apparently humour is banned! Smile

  • Thanks! Not at all, you give some very wise advice! Smile

  • I'll stick to being old and sage.

  • DISAMBIGUATION - This is what happens when a number tries to be amusing ?!

  • Well, I know that !!  What, are you calling me stupid now ?

  •  In this case, all I see is Ausomely A having some fun with us, in this very safe and friendly environment,by poking fun at the NT mindset.

    Exactly! I don’t intend to cause offence at all.

  • Hi Taltunes......have you noticed how often we all seem to miss the "intent" behind peoples comments?  I often do.  In this case, all I see is Ausomely A having some fun with us, in this very safe and friendly environment,by poking fun at the NT mindset.

  • It’s a light and friendly discussion trying to reframe the narrative about how we autistics are treated. You say this is insensitive but it’s only a reflection of how we autistics are usually treated poorly by society and ostracised.

  • How can you be so insensitive?

  • Thanks for starting a great discussion!

    I would like to imagine a world where we autistic/neurodivergent people are not a minority.

    For example, if comments were made or questions asked of people who made eye contact.

    Your example made me think of the brilliant autistic comedian Joe Wells and ‘jelly balls’:


    Very funny!

    What if spoken language became obsolete and everyone communicated via the beautiful means of stimming?

    I like to imagine this world as speech is overrated and there are so many other alternative and equally expressive ways of communicating. This is in my vision of Autopia!

    A very accurate and funny message about why we autistics are falsely pathologised just because we are a minority community by Chris Bonnello, Autistic Not Weird:

    What do you think of his statement? It’s so true!

  • number 3, you see that alot on social media and articles... people just parroting the same slogans, but yet you question them on it or correct them and they insult you because they have no legit defence or counter argument to hold that slogans position they parrot on about.

    like how remainers keep saying all the stuff they say about brexit, but then you point out on the contrary that most remainers are landlords who was worried about their property abroad, and tax evaders wanting to use eu travel to evade tax and become ambiguous as to where they owe tax to. rich businesses that all are worried about their profit and trade. but yet remainers all made out the rich were on the brexit side... when you point out its the opposite, they have nothing, they collapse into fallacy, because they just repeated lies that social media told them without thinking on it themselves or seeing and forming their own opinion. then you point put they are not making any points or defending their side or changing my mind they are just insulting me, and they still just insult and more robots come in to insult and back up the other too, despite having no legit comeback or ability to prove my words wrong or change my mind on the matter. and no ability to see or think or change their minds either as its against their mass repeated slogan/lie, and a lie repeated over and over and spread by the brainless becomes a accepted social "truth"

  • to be fair the rules are so confusing that this can actually happen.

    if you make eye contact with the wrong person they can take offense and become hostile... so i dont really get the rules on it lol

    but then if you dont make eye contact your seen as ignorant or rude, its a catch 22 your damned if you do and damned if you dont. 

  • For a start they would need to be diagnosed with Neurotypical Syndrome or Disorder https://erikengdahl.se/autism/isnt/dsn.html

    "Neurotypical syndrome is a neurobiological disorder characterized by preoccupation with social concerns, delusions of superiority, and obsession with conformity.

    Neurotypical individuals often assume that their experience of the world is either the only one, or the only correct one. NTs find it difficult to be alone. NTs are often intolerant of seemingly minor differences in others. When in groups NTs are socially and behaviorally rigid, and frequently insist upon the performance of dysfunctional, destructive, and even impossible rituals as a way of maintaining group identity. NTs find it difficult to communicate directly, and have a much higher incidence of lying as compared to persons on the autistic spectrum.

    NT is believed to be genetic in origin. Autopsies have shown the brain of the neurotypical is typically smaller than that of an autistic individual and may have overdeveloped areas related to social behavior."

  • I like to think of it this way round.  If you are a sheep, then you have every reason to believe that sheep ARE the normal beasts.  Everyone wants and behaves the same way......but if you are a wolf....or a badger.....or a hawk.....you can see their limitations and sameness.

    So...with your question...I would say;

    1.  Why do you all immediately seem to all want the same "stuff" at the same time? [Think air-drier, spiralisers etc]

    2. Why do you seem unable to you say what you mean?

    3. Don't you have your OWN opinions....that you can explain and defend?

    I could go on and on......so I'll stop.

  • "Why won't you communicate clearly instead of being vague?"