What if?

I was thinking, what iif ND was the norm and NT was seen as being odd. For example, if comments were made or questions asked of people who made eye contact. What other examples can you think of?

  • to be fair the rules are so confusing that this can actually happen.

    if you make eye contact with the wrong person they can take offense and become hostile... so i dont really get the rules on it lol

    but then if you dont make eye contact your seen as ignorant or rude, its a catch 22 your damned if you do and damned if you dont. 

  • to be fair the rules are so confusing that this can actually happen.

    if you make eye contact with the wrong person they can take offense and become hostile... so i dont really get the rules on it lol

    but then if you dont make eye contact your seen as ignorant or rude, its a catch 22 your damned if you do and damned if you dont. 

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