I'm Feeling Proud!

Hi everyone. I’m L. I joined here a while ago but soon after I got really sick with Sepsis and it’s taken this long to recover.

I wanted to share this good news with everybody. I’m feeling proud of myself. I saw that this new Barbie film is out and playing at my local theatre so I did the unimaginable and went to the cinema! I was so anxious. And I did feel a little giddy a few times but I persevered and saw it through and it was a good experience! There were a lot of people but not as many as I thought there would be. Maybe it wasn’t a popular film? But I’m really glad I went and I feel so proud for going and seeing it through to the end. I had my earplugs, in case I needed to turn on some soothing music to calm myself and I also had my little comfort bear that I take with me whenever I go out.

Do you go to the cinema regularly? I’m not going to make a habit of this but I did enjoy the experience but personally feel a lot calmer and happier watching stuff on my computer and laptop at home.

Best wishes, L.

  • cinemas dont get alot of viewers these days.

    i went to cinema a few times, and at most there only has ever been 1 other person in, alot of times its just me.

    and these are big films like marvel films and so on that should have larger audiences.... no one goes to the cinema anymore. infact my local cinema has now shut down probably because of this, they state the covid shuts set them back and the audience level never got back again after they reopened so they couldnt pay the debts off.

  • Barbie broke records, so there must be some people going to see films. 

    Great job L! I don't know when I'll feel okay to go to the cinema but it's definitely something I'd like to be able to do. I much prefer watching things at home, but it would be nice to not have to wait however long until a new film is available outside of theatres. 

  • yeah it counts all global cinema though.... i bet americans still fill up their cinemas, just in the uk our cinemas always seem empty. marvel films made high revenue so people are seeing them in cinema, but yet as i said every time i go see them no ones in and my cinema shut down due to low viewers.... could be my area i suppose, it is in the north west so poor area of the uk so no one probs got the money to waste on cinema here.

  • On another note:

    An Acting Union, in Hollywood, is currently on Strike.

    Unionized Labour is the reasons all the production and assembly jobs went to China, and Bangladesh.

  • even legal streaming at home the cinema releases come out on streaming platforms after a week anyway, so people can pretty much watch it at home 

  • I think part of the problem is that there are all sorts of grey legal areas now for getting early home access to notionally cinema-only films. Personally, the idea of just having all this paralysing choice of stuff I haven't properly paid to see weirds me out too much, so I stick to the entirely legal avenues. But I do know people who just get to see everything at home, more or less as it comes out. We all have different comfort levels around that stuff, I just feel too sketchy about it. 

  • I think part of the problem is that there are all sorts of grey legal areas now for getting early home access to notionally cinema-only films. Personally, the idea of just having all this paralysing choice of stuff I haven't properly paid to see weirds me out too much, so I stick to the entirely legal avenues. But I do know people who just get to see everything at home, more or less as it comes out. We all have different comfort levels around that stuff, I just feel too sketchy about it. 
