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Anyone invest in crypto ?

I have a few just was wondering if anyone else is also into it.

  • I would advise against it, lots of scams, very high risk

  • id also advise against cash too.... all the scams in the world revolve around cash, and its high risk too as cash goes down and can become worthless such as zimbawe dollars and venezuelan dollars. all western currency is heading that way right now, items and products arnt rising in price... our cash is falling in value... thats the truth of it. bread will cost 1 million, because our cash will be worthless. also having tried to purchase a house with my hard earned work cash when i have enough ,and be declined again and again, i have realised cash has no value, you cannot even buy a property with it and make a life with it... its pointless, and that also makes work pointless too. the entire system is pointless and has no value to us anymore and should be abandoned.

  • Essentially the system is set up to use most peoples energy in the service of the system (and those who set-up and maintain the system for at least a third of your whole life.

    It's what we have.

    Essentially it works by using what we call "money" as a universally exchangeable receipt for the human energy YOU put in, but you get different amounts allocated depending upon what you do or more importantly in normie world, how you do it.

    This essential double standard, that some lives are more than others, is abhorrent to some people, especially those of us who society considers to be of low value I.E. MOST OF US (our leaders call US "useless eaters" and they call the people we THINK are our leaders "useful idiots"). 

    In order to make the system less obviously "bent" and give us proles the illusion that by hard work we can get free of the mortgage and take care of ourselves there are obvious Winners paraded in front of us, footballers who are supposed to be the pinnacle of their game, politicians who are supposed to be wise enough to mange the big issues for us so we can concentrate on going to work and paying that mortgage,/rent and buy stuff to try and convince ourselves that we are living meaningful lives etc.    

    Now. I'm lucky enough to have a really good mask. If I choose I can get along with most people for short periods. I have friends who natures range between that of impoverished criminal class, sucessful criminal class, impoverished "straight goer" class and very materially sucessful "straight goer" (A.K.A. non-criminal class) and you can believe me that when I tell you I have STUDIED what makes a man have money or not.

    It seems to be dishonesty. and very often in order for the non criminals to square away their financial success which if you think about it, in the vast majority of cases, HAS to come off the backs of others. Everyone I know who "gets ahead" financially puts their money into rental properties, so they can then get a reliable and useful (relatively unearned) monetary income of others...

    GOLD however, stands out as an actual store of value that is universally recognised, and better yet, has a clearly defined value in terms of what we call "money". when the value of money falls as it has catstrophically recently, then gold should rise.

    The trouble is that when gold rises everyone knows it's because money is falling and the process is subject to a positive feedback loop, which used to cause financial panicking etc. So behind the scenes a mechanism as installed to allow the financial elites to manipulate the price of gold, so that when little people like me decide that gold is a safer haven for my spare money than the bank, and start buying it, which should push the price up, they just dump some reserves onto the market to keep it steady. A process the markets call "monkey hammering", which adds enough dishonesty and confusion to keep the price relatively stable, until it HAS to rise, and then it does before plateauing out for ages.

    So if (like I seem to manage!) you buy the stuff after it's been stable for a long time, it will keep "losing value" for a while, then suddenly a "correction" happens and for a brief while you are in profit, then due to the endless devaluation of "money" you pointed out Caelus, gradually you go back to a "losing" situation. BUT unlike crypto, or art, or investing in the stock exchange the gains and losses are unusually so small and slow, that it is hard to "make money" out of gold consistently, or even know when it is going to pay off. Equally it's a relatively secure savings scheme where you will most likely get most of your value back, and from a wide variety pf places, when you come to need to sell it. Unlike money in the bank once you have it, it's YOUR BUSINESS and yours alone unless you choose to share. If you accrue substantial positive cash balance in the bank then by a very mysterious process you suddenly start getting a lot more junk mail, including government junk mail. 

    But when all's said and done ALL of the "rich" people I know without exception spend a great deal of time thinking about money and it comes to dominate their existences. To be fair though, they accomplish things whilst being unhappy, whereas the people who have no money and devote all their time to thinking about it are the real big losers! (like I used to be, so I know of what I speak).

    There's a saying that "too little of everything makes a man mean" but to be honest so does too much!

    Bhuddhism teaches us about obtaining "balance" in life as being important explicitly, Jesus Christ taught the same thing but implicitly. Same message, different vectors.

    What enrages me is that when you finally give up what is an unequal struggle, and seek help the first thing that is done is a needs and expenditure calculation which completely excludes the 10% contingency factorv that any business person knows has to be factored in for unexpected events or "wastage". So any agreement a poor person makes based on these calculations is doomed from the word go to fail! The moment they need dentistry, have a flat tyre, need starter battery etc... PLUS in the real world the poor are bombarded with adverts essentially promoting the idea that personal power and happiness can be obtained by buying stuff you don't need!! fi advertising did not work, it would not be so expensive some therefore that is also a problem in and of itself when you target groups who are precariously clinging on for existence in a morass of debt...

    PLUS anyone who cares about money deeply considers even the most unselfish act in monetary terms, and it makes 'em mean with it...

    I've come to the conclusion as someone who is debt free, once even had a £45K positive cash balance before I squandered it on failed business attempts (chasing the money) and aviation, (chasing pelasure).

    I do neither now, and my status is lower than it used to be, the Daimler lies rusting on the drive, but in truth, I am way happier than I used to be, and more grateful for my life..

    I even have enough surplus capacity to do a bit of voluntary work, which I've always wanted to do.

    AND I'm part of a team that has made a novel tabletop fusion device that does elemental transmutation.  We wont; get any money out of it, because none of us are wired that way. But we did it and you can;t take being a part of that achievement away. It only gets complicated when we try to interface with the real world, and try to monetise it, or obtain independent verification, because, guess what? Independent verification costs thousands, and they wont provide it unless you are a business. *** it, the world can find another way to source helium, we'll publish the process that we have, and just keep doing the work for the joy of it...

    Who needs "money"?

    I prefer the cats, and the playing with machines, you lot can chase the shekels.

  • And of course with a tail lift or similar the bike fits INSIDE the vehicle... For heating you use a diesel cab heater, and since lorries have a huge tank you won't have to replenish it very often even over a whole winter. You can get a LOT of solar cells on the roof, and I'm currently trying to get around to finding out how much laquer or clear epoxy it takes to reseal used ones that are cracked. they tell me that you lose about 20% of the rated power, but that's still a maximum kilowatts you can get for your £100. I've always loved the idea of my electricity being replenished by the sun when I am at work... Even in winter you should get enough to run the heater and the LED lights. Buy the RIGHT ex council 7.5 tonner and you even get space for a generator already provided.

  • A motorhome costs an arm and a leg, a 7.5 tonne commercial vehicle, or ex race transporter or horsebox costs very little in comparison, and if you are handy the fit out for basic living isn't exactly hard. I regularly see stuff in the 2/5 grand price bracket that looks totally useable for such a purpose. I missed a mercedes 2.5k truck once that had demountable bodies, one fitted out as an office and one racked out for storage for 2.5 k. And for social domestic and pleasure the insurance is surprisingly cheap for a huge vehicle. 

  • a motorhome would be cool, i bet my employer would allow me to keep it on their carpark too. although i never learnt how to drive anything but a motorbike.

  • Correct, that's exactly what the reality seems to be when you dig into it. If the people get off the boat with the right kind of business plan there's also a £25k startup bonus available to some of them, I am told form someone who's proven reliable in the past, so I dint; put him properly to the question, because even if it's true what can WE do about it, except withdraw for the system and find a way to live outside of it?  (A process that I've almost completed, now.) 

    In order to exist we need food clothes and shelter. (shelter includes heat)

    In order to live we need some love and a sense of purpose, (and I've come to be live a halfway functional relationship with our creator, but I know that contentious for some people) 

    We don't need a TV licence, or sky, or a gym membership or endless chinese tat from ebay, or a drink or drug habit, or even a car! People think you need to chase happiness, and you don't. It comes to you when you are living a righteous and balanced life.

    If you see yourself as being forced to be frugal whilst everyone else seems to be getting more than you are, that's not a happy place to be. 

    If you elect to remain frugal and decide to remain "poor" as a result of not competing 24/7 for the scraps that they will throw you as regular employment, (whilst twitching as much of it back as they can when you have to buy a car to get there, and "spend money to accumulate money" which is the trap that is set for most of us) because it's your choice, it does not suck so much. And because your personal running costs are LOW then any cash you do "win" out of life, you get to keep for longer. (Especially if you turn it into an asset, either a saving asset like gold and land or a useable asset like tools and land)

    And stop thinking of your house as a store of wealth. One decent plague or war and houses will be ten a penny! It's just a way of keeping the rain off and giving you some where to cook your food away from the flies.. Most of the interesting stuff that you will remember in your old age happens when you go outside.. 

    You can live fairly/very comfortably in an RV or narrowboat, the trick then being to make sure you OWN the land on which it stands (your narrow boat does not HAVE to be in the water.. Keeping it on your own land means you can buy a big well equipped one with a poor hull for a lot less than one that is water worthy... At this point you need a 60 foot (or so) long piece of land with decent vehicle access and you store your narrow boat on it. You never admit to living in the thing, but you do admit that you have to be there very often for security reasons... To pull this off you need a postal address, of course. OR you can then start paying someone a regular fee for living in your asset on your land. 

    I very, very, rarely actually engage in dishonesty and my rule is that I only lie to people who have a solid track record of lying to me. Fortunately I hardly ever engage with representatives of government, so I hardly ever feel the need to lie. 

    IF "normal life" actually seemed to make people nice and happy, I'd know it was me that had things A over T, but it doesn't... Both from observing others and my own experience.

    It's a trap!

  • Correct, that's exactly what the reality seems to be when you dig into it. If the people get off the boat with the right kind of business plan there's also a £25k startup bonus available to some of them, I am told form someone who's proven reliable in the past, so I dint; put him properly to the question, because even if it's true what can WE do about it, except withdraw for the system and find a way to live outside of it?  (A process that I've almost completed, now.) 

    In order to exist we need food clothes and shelter. (shelter includes heat)

    In order to live we need some love and a sense of purpose, (and I've come to be live a halfway functional relationship with our creator, but I know that contentious for some people) 

    We don't need a TV licence, or sky, or a gym membership or endless chinese tat from ebay, or a drink or drug habit, or even a car! People think you need to chase happiness, and you don't. It comes to you when you are living a righteous and balanced life.

    If you see yourself as being forced to be frugal whilst everyone else seems to be getting more than you are, that's not a happy place to be. 

    If you elect to remain frugal and decide to remain "poor" as a result of not competing 24/7 for the scraps that they will throw you as regular employment, (whilst twitching as much of it back as they can when you have to buy a car to get there, and "spend money to accumulate money" which is the trap that is set for most of us) because it's your choice, it does not suck so much. And because your personal running costs are LOW then any cash you do "win" out of life, you get to keep for longer. (Especially if you turn it into an asset, either a saving asset like gold and land or a useable asset like tools and land)

    And stop thinking of your house as a store of wealth. One decent plague or war and houses will be ten a penny! It's just a way of keeping the rain off and giving you some where to cook your food away from the flies.. Most of the interesting stuff that you will remember in your old age happens when you go outside.. 

    You can live fairly/very comfortably in an RV or narrowboat, the trick then being to make sure you OWN the land on which it stands (your narrow boat does not HAVE to be in the water.. Keeping it on your own land means you can buy a big well equipped one with a poor hull for a lot less than one that is water worthy... At this point you need a 60 foot (or so) long piece of land with decent vehicle access and you store your narrow boat on it. You never admit to living in the thing, but you do admit that you have to be there very often for security reasons... To pull this off you need a postal address, of course. OR you can then start paying someone a regular fee for living in your asset on your land. 

    I very, very, rarely actually engage in dishonesty and my rule is that I only lie to people who have a solid track record of lying to me. Fortunately I hardly ever engage with representatives of government, so I hardly ever feel the need to lie. 

    IF "normal life" actually seemed to make people nice and happy, I'd know it was me that had things A over T, but it doesn't... Both from observing others and my own experience.

    It's a trap!

  • And of course with a tail lift or similar the bike fits INSIDE the vehicle... For heating you use a diesel cab heater, and since lorries have a huge tank you won't have to replenish it very often even over a whole winter. You can get a LOT of solar cells on the roof, and I'm currently trying to get around to finding out how much laquer or clear epoxy it takes to reseal used ones that are cracked. they tell me that you lose about 20% of the rated power, but that's still a maximum kilowatts you can get for your £100. I've always loved the idea of my electricity being replenished by the sun when I am at work... Even in winter you should get enough to run the heater and the LED lights. Buy the RIGHT ex council 7.5 tonner and you even get space for a generator already provided.

  • A motorhome costs an arm and a leg, a 7.5 tonne commercial vehicle, or ex race transporter or horsebox costs very little in comparison, and if you are handy the fit out for basic living isn't exactly hard. I regularly see stuff in the 2/5 grand price bracket that looks totally useable for such a purpose. I missed a mercedes 2.5k truck once that had demountable bodies, one fitted out as an office and one racked out for storage for 2.5 k. And for social domestic and pleasure the insurance is surprisingly cheap for a huge vehicle. 

  • a motorhome would be cool, i bet my employer would allow me to keep it on their carpark too. although i never learnt how to drive anything but a motorbike.