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Anyone invest in crypto ?

I have a few just was wondering if anyone else is also into it.

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  • id also advise against cash too.... all the scams in the world revolve around cash, and its high risk too as cash goes down and can become worthless such as zimbawe dollars and venezuelan dollars. all western currency is heading that way right now, items and products arnt rising in price... our cash is falling in value... thats the truth of it. bread will cost 1 million, because our cash will be worthless. also having tried to purchase a house with my hard earned work cash when i have enough ,and be declined again and again, i have realised cash has no value, you cannot even buy a property with it and make a life with it... its pointless, and that also makes work pointless too. the entire system is pointless and has no value to us anymore and should be abandoned.