Imagining a neurodivergent world

If there were fewer barriers to neurodivergent contributions, how might NDs shape the world? 

  • It's quite a nice thought experiment of having a fully, 100% neurodivergent city or state.

    I feel that a proportion of NDs would be happy in such a state/city.

    I also pretty much know that a decent proportion of NDs would filter back or stay within a state that has a balance of NDs and NTs.

    Certainly, my own choice would be to live within a state that has a balance of NDs and NTs. I feel that nature has a way of working things out and I kind of trust/have faith that nature is doing a pretty good job of getting the balance roughly about right.

    If the thought experiment were put into practice, it would be quite interesting to see how it works out, and I think there'd be some interesting learning to come from it.

  • I think something like that would work very well on a small scale like a town mayyyyybe a city but I don't think an entire country run by 100% ND people would work out well there would need to be a balance for that to work.

    Imagine a nice little town and everything was built in such a way that caters to ND's that would be amazing nice quiet shops with none of all that constant beeping. There could be establishments that deal with all kinds of things for special interests where we can all hang out make friends SO much easier and even try new things that wouldn't normally think of. There's endless things that could be done what would some of your ideas be calmerchameleon?

  • Quieter pubs and restaurants would be very nice.

    A somewhat different economy system would be good. [Albeit I personally feel that NDs play a big role in the current economic framework of our current world] I'd love it if pubs could be pubs without having to pay huge tariffs on tax and be forced into turning into restaurants (making them more expensive for punters) to make enough money to survive. [I only mention pubs as this industry I know better than others because of family connections.]

    I'd love it if carers, counsellors and other people who work one-on-one with people were as well paid as people who do so-called 'higher-level' administration roles that set rules/guidelines for the one-on-one carers/helpers to follow.

    etc Smiley

    I'm not sure a 100% ND world would actually achieve what I'm mainly looking for here though. In the ND people I know, there seems to be as much division and 'fighting for resources' as there is amongst NTs. What I've personally observed is that some (certainly not all) of the NDs in my life have been more ruthless in fighting for resources than my NT friends/acquaintances.

    Another thing is, the people who fight for resources can also be the ones that fight harder for protection of a group at times, so like so much in life, it's 'all swings and roundabouts'. i.e. every aspect of life seems to be taking a certain amount of rough with the smooth no matter who one is spending time living with.

    Right, I'm exhausted Smiley But, yes, good question.

    I've probably overly-complicated the question by including an economic framework - but then I guess even a small town would probably need some kind of economic framework that it's activities were based on -so I guess it's only right in a way to consider this aspect too, as people would need to work and stuff to keep the town functioning.

  • Quieter pubs and restaurants would be very nice.

    A somewhat different economy system would be good. [Albeit I personally feel that NDs play a big role in the current economic framework of our current world] I'd love it if pubs could be pubs without having to pay huge tariffs on tax and be forced into turning into restaurants (making them more expensive for punters) to make enough money to survive. [I only mention pubs as this industry I know better than others because of family connections.]

    I'd love it if carers, counsellors and other people who work one-on-one with people were as well paid as people who do so-called 'higher-level' administration roles that set rules/guidelines for the one-on-one carers/helpers to follow.

    etc Smiley

    I'm not sure a 100% ND world would actually achieve what I'm mainly looking for here though. In the ND people I know, there seems to be as much division and 'fighting for resources' as there is amongst NTs. What I've personally observed is that some (certainly not all) of the NDs in my life have been more ruthless in fighting for resources than my NT friends/acquaintances.

    Another thing is, the people who fight for resources can also be the ones that fight harder for protection of a group at times, so like so much in life, it's 'all swings and roundabouts'. i.e. every aspect of life seems to be taking a certain amount of rough with the smooth no matter who one is spending time living with.

    Right, I'm exhausted Smiley But, yes, good question.

    I've probably overly-complicated the question by including an economic framework - but then I guess even a small town would probably need some kind of economic framework that it's activities were based on -so I guess it's only right in a way to consider this aspect too, as people would need to work and stuff to keep the town functioning.

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