Still Here

Oncologist says the chemo is working.    He says I might see 2022.       He then said that unfortunately, he's also said that to people who were dead 2 months later.    Nice.

  • sorry to hear about the cancer, but glad you're getting some results from chemo. i'm not heavily into tanks, but i do like them. i saw a tank museum near portola valley or san mateo, the military vehicle technology foundation. i imagine you may have heard of it. it has since been dismantled - i mainly wanted to see the panzers. 

    happy birthday.......!

  • I've developed a system to cope with the side effects - I can cope as long as it stays about the same.

    Tanks are cool - I enjoy Bovingdon museum when we're down that way.

    A couple of years ago, I asked if I could ride in a train cab - I ended up driving a train load of unsuspecting commuters into Central London.   Smiley

  • Your pre-birthday sounds very tasty!

    Love the presents you got. I especially do love a game of Kerpluck - I once bought an olde fashioned one from eBay and though the sticks were a little bent, I loved it. It's like pick up sticks but with bonus marbles!

    Yes, oncologists are pretty good at being blunt. Dizzy face Chemo side effects sure do take their toll - I guess every day is another day of keeping on going.

    Good on you for thinking of giving a go at driving a bus. There is a place not too far away from us, where you can go along and drive a tank. That's more my thing. Driving a bus and my visuospatial problems would not be the best idea, whereas a tank - it just doesn't matter!

  • He's renowned for his bed-side manner.  Smiley

  • Glad to hear it's working, your oncologist sounds charming.

  • Hiya

    I definitely won't be here in 2 years - this cancer is always fatal and the chemo is the limiting factor - when my body gives up. I will die.   I will fight to the end.

    While not trying to 'big myself up', I have burned the candle at both ends.     I identify strongly with Roy Batty.     "I have done things you people would not believe!"

    I feel very, very cheated of the life I have worked so hard to create.    I've said before, I was months away from 'Life 2.0' and it's all been snatched away.

    I spent most of my life oblivious to how very different I was to everyone else - blindly performing technical miracles 'for the greater good' without any recognition - while actually being used and manipulated by those benefiting from my achievements.

    I remember every detail of my life - like looking at a huge array of photos.- It's frustrating to not be able to share the highlights and extremes with everyone..    

  • What do you think of your life, as you look back on it? Of course you may be here for another 20 years so it may be too early, but I wondered about your opinion.

  • Thanks - Yes - it was on my birthday - and it could have been good, bad or very, very bad news so we had my 'pre-birthday instead - we had some nice steaks and desserts the day before and we did presents in the morning - I got Buckaroo and Ker-Plunk and Wii Sports Resort along with some airfix models so the composite day was amazing.

    I've asked the oncologist to be as blunt and honest as possible with me - I need solid data to work out what to do - having everything being so vague means I can't plan - so I just have to accept that some of the things he will say will sound so cold.

    The limiting factor will be the side effects of the chemo - how much I can take and still want to go forwards.     There will come a time when either my body or mind says it's too much.

    I'm still adding to my bucket list - the latest thing I've thought of is I want to drive a bus.   Smiley

  • I hope that you see 2022 and beyond.  I am sure that many people on this forum enjoy your good quality posts.

  • Hi. Thanks for posting - was wondering when you were going to get seen. Is it also your birthday?

    Nice. Oncologists!

    Great news about the chemo working!