Still Here

Oncologist says the chemo is working.    He says I might see 2022.       He then said that unfortunately, he's also said that to people who were dead 2 months later.    Nice.

  • I'm glad you understand what I'm talking about - it's like needing to do the Vulcan mind transference   "Remember".  

    " Your mind to my mind... your thoughts to my thoughts..." and quite a few of us Aspie types do appreciate a good read, and your writings do make for good readings and conversations quite obviously.

    It's feels like an overwhelming need for 'approval' - to lay out all my life, errors and successes to be judged by everyone as 'you did your very best against extreme adversity"

    Well in terms of how people feel about their needing to share the summations of their lived experiences ~ that's obviously a different horses for different courses sort of thing, but as far as doing your very best against extreme adversity and all that ~ that is the aspie way as we have to go to far greater extents just to get by in life or even just to lag behind, I mean blimey.

    Just being communicatively Aspie amongst other Aspies though so very much a state of approval in it's own right ~ what with getting to fit in with misfits likewise and otherwise being essential social oxygen to the previously deprived, where we get to facilitate, identify and affirm each other's senses and sensibilities like in some cases as never before.

    "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"

    Do otherwise perhaps than to become just as a drop merging back into the ocean of consciousness in time to come ~ but leave also your written history in a more complete sense to become further threads in the very much richer for it tapestry of life for others too. It helps so much, most especially if you want to too! :-)

  • I'm in South Hertfordshire - and I don't think your settings allow PMs.

  • I'm very weak at the moment - like a kitten - the cancer took me to the brink of death and has stolen a good few stones of fat & muscles so it's going to be a slow build.      I asked the oncologist what was the main source of the fatigue  - chemo, cancer or clots - he says don't worry about the clots.

    I'm under no illusions about my own mortality but I'm doing everything possible to push forwards.

  • Things I did: went vegan, and wholemeal; and started circuit training twice a week. Then things that in hindsight i can see were more specific to where my tumour was: did tai chi twice a week, 1-1 Alexander Technique, and fell running. And i came out as gay. It was though a benign tumour and only terminal because of where it was in the brain.

    What used to get me was when I,d tell people they'd often reply after listening a bit, something like "Well, I'm sure it'll work out in the end," and I'd be upset, like haven't you heard, it's inoperable and terminal.

    And then of course it turned out alright in the end.

    Something I've learnt is a healthy life is not just about a longer one, but about improving the quality of any life there is. I put a lot of effort into my health, but it's just my lifestyle now, and it's about squeezing the max out of today with as little ailment and full use of my body n mind as possible. So yes, keep at it

  • Where are you based? You can message me.

  • If you don't ask, you don't get!

    one of my life mottos.

  • Where there is life there is hope..   

  • Miracles happen Plastic. Recently watched the Lance Armstrong documentary. He had testicular cancer, cancer in his lungs and his brain. He should be dead, but he pulled through. Crazy!

    Stay fit, stay healthy and focus on 2032 instead. I’m a big believer in mental strength affects.

    I’ll be thinking of you.

  • thanks

    I'm glad you understand what I'm talking about - it's like needing to do the Vulcan mind transference   "Remember".     

    It's feels like an overwhelming need for 'approval' - to lay out all my life, errors and successes to be judged by everyone as 'you did your very best against extreme adversity"

    "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"

  • Happy Birthday, Big Man!

  • I am INVINCIBLE!     Possibly.    Smiley

  • Thank you.   Smiley   You sound like the sort of person I'd like to spend time with - I like your outlook on life.

  • Cool!    I have pilot friends - one currently furloughed - but getting re-certified next week ready for the 737-MAX.      I wonder if I could ask him......  Smiley

  • Hi Dave

    I have a mass the size of my hand on the peritoneal wall - roughly where me left elbow touches my abdomen - there's lots of secondaries all along the transverse colon - like Christmas tree lights on the PET scan.  

    I have many pulmonary embolisms in both lungs.     

    They say it's currently inoperable but I'm getting a second opinion next week.     I'm up for anything weird or experimental - ideally to help me, but if it helps others, all the better.    

    I'm young, strong and I have the ability to power through adversity - they say that is an advantage.

    If, by some miracle, I survive another couple of years and the cancer is controlled enough, there is a very high-risk operation - with just a 50/50 survival rate - which will chop practically everything out - bowel, pancreas, perineal sack etc. - and hot chemo fluid is poured into the cavity - but I'm not convinced that 'living' after all that would be a life worth having.

  • I remember every detail of my life - like looking at a huge array of photos.- It's frustrating to not be able to share the highlights and extremes with everyone.. 

    I have spent substantial amounts of time with people in their final days thoroughly enjoying the 'photos' of their life, experiences and everything with them, so maybe ~ rather than being frustrated with not sharing the highlights and extremes of your life ~ feel free to do so here as matter of significance in respect of social histories, which are always of much greater relevance when they are put on public record for others more in general to appreciate also, perhaps?

    And of course - happy birthday!

  • Never say never. I had a patient once who was riddled with bowel cancer spread to his liver, proven on excision biopsy. He sold up and went on a world cruise, went on some weird diet, finished the cruise, went on anothe selling all and was still OK. I saw him when admitted to hospital for tests after the cruises and there was NO EVIDENCE of his cancer!  Miracle or weird.....

  • I'm glad you're still here, and good to hear your spirit!

  • You've often sounded very similar to me and my on/off best mate and especially at the beginning of my journey that was validating that someone like me could identify with being in the AS community.

    I'm sad you didn't get to life 2.0. It's funny when I left my job 2.5 years ago and started hanging out with my first real aspie friend that's what I called it, Life 2.0. It's been good, at times exhilirating, and times bautiful and full of awe, and many a time not that much different to Life 1.0! We adapt to the new norms and although I'm following my lifes passion and vocation even of course it becomes hum drum too.

    Do share your photos and stories with people. Having our life storiy heard by someone is life.

  • Yes, I always appreciate your knowledge and insights.

  • Amazing! When working at BA I once got to fly the whole way london to munich in the jump seat in the cockpit. It was cool. I didn't get unleashed on unsuspecting passengers though!