What TV shows do you like?

Are there any shows that are helping you get through the strange days we're living through?

I like those reality competitions e.g. the Bake Off, Sewing Bee, Best Home Cook, Pottery Throwdown etc. And things like Bridgerton and Winx, which are total fantasy escapes from reality.

I also remembered Detectorists. Does anyone watch that? A nice, subtle series with nothing horrible happening.

  • The X files 

    Criminal Minds 

    Law & Order Criminal Intent. 

    Man Down (comedy. It's on Netflix) 

    Schitt's  creek (comedy also on Netflix) 

    The Killing (the Danish version with subtitles) 

    Trapped (Icelandic with English subtitles is on amazon prime) 

    And at the moment The Forest on Netflix (French with English subtitles) 

  • They all sound a bit scary for me. Haven't seen those comedies yet though.

  • The X-Files had some genuinely creepy episodes - although a lot of them were people wandering round dark warehouses with torches. "Home" was banned from TV for a while - the content was pretty grim.

    Fringe was classic sci-fi. Parallel universes and that kind of thing (it appears I'm looking at it through nostalgia glasses - as I watched every season bar the last one and there's episodes I don't remember that crop up on the "creepyist fringe episodes" list. 

  • Yes that was horrid. I think I was tougher when I was younger and things didn't affect me so much. Now I'm older I am more squeamish.

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