Commander Data from Star Trek

I noticed that someone on this board recently described themselves as like Commander Data from Star Trek. Very able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. It was something like that and I can't remember who wrote it.

But I thought Commander Data was a good metaphor for how I feel and behave- able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. Does anyone else feel like that? Data was my favourite character in Star Trek, this must be why!

Parents Reply
  • I'd have to agree - I'm a huge Disney fan but for the last decade or so, they've got the "reverse Midas touch" where everything they touch turns to crap.

    I watched a detailed financial breakdown of Disney's handling of the Lucas franchise - they bought it for 4.7Billion dollars and after all of the costs are taken out, the distribution, marketing etc., their TOTAL profit to date for all of their investment is only 600 million.- which should have had some Disney Execs taken out and shot!

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