Commander Data from Star Trek

I noticed that someone on this board recently described themselves as like Commander Data from Star Trek. Very able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. It was something like that and I can't remember who wrote it.

But I thought Commander Data was a good metaphor for how I feel and behave- able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. Does anyone else feel like that? Data was my favourite character in Star Trek, this must be why!

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  • Shares of Walt Disney are up 15.6 percent since last year and more than 127 percent since Disney purchased Lucasfilm six years ago today. 

    Over 23 total films, the MCU has grossed nearly $23 billion at the worldwide box office. Lucasfilm, meanwhile, has delivered five films for Disney in four years, generating a gross profit of nearly $2 billion for the conglomerate.

    I wish I had bought some shares !
