Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • I am an adult sibling to a younger brother with autism and I am really intertested in sharing and learning about the community's experiences and discussing autism related issues. 

    I am very passionate about raising autism awareness in general as there are so many misconceptions out there, but I also know that my experience with my sibling could be entirely different to another person's experience so I look forward to learning a lot from all of you.




  • hello, my son is 29 and was diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of 21 after a disastrous time away from home at university. 

    I'm 57 and increasingly concerned about enabling him to move out of the family home successfully and struggling to get a care needs assessment sorted out so that he can get the kind of support he needs to be less dependent on me.  I kinda want him to move on before I shuffle off the mortal coil and all that, you know?

    I find that I am very conflicted over the whole thing around his assessment - I use every excuse there is to avoid actually doing the work I need to do to progress this, mainly because it makes me anxious and upset to have to think about it all.

    Are you keen for your son to live away from home any time soon?


  • Hi!

    My name is Lynn, I am 26 (tomorrow) and I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome when I was 18 after leaving art college.

    One of my strong passions is illustration and writing. I am hoping to eventually get my series of children's books published. 

    My other passion is cycling and racing. I love time trialling, where you race a set distance against the clock and hill climbs. I like the 'focus' factor to them and have podium placings in many national events including taking the hill climb title twice. I have had a go at road racing too, though find it quite nerving sitting in the middle of the bunch! A lot to work on there! 

    I have a black and white cat called Fignon and I love him to pieces! : ) He even has his own facebook page!!!

    Lynn : )

  • Hi Harrysmum, polly7525, allyd, UK_Aspie and ojqmum!

    Really great to see you here and we hope you find the Community helpful. :)

    And just to say, if you do see anything you're concerned about polly, or anyone else - the 'Feedback to NAS' option lets you report a comment to the moderation team.


  • Hi,

    I am Mum to a loving 9 year old boy with Aspergers and Dyspraxia and his very tolerant and loving 6 year old brother. My boys are my world, I'm looking forward to learning from you all and having a place to turn to when things get too

  • About my nick:

    I'm proud of being Aspie, it's a large part of what defines me, so this is the name I use on discussion groups.  The UK part is for the benefit of people who still don't know the Internet extends outside North America!

    I could use a different nick here, but I would be likely to forget it, and anyway some of you may already know me.

    My real name is John.  I'm 62 and dx Aspie in 2000.

  • hello, i have a son (24) with aspergers syndrome, who lives at home with us. He has had many, many problems throughout his 24 years, which has enabled me to support other mums.

    I am 48 and only got diagnosis of aspergers last year when I started a full time degree course and found I required support ! I`m looking forward to being part of the new community. I have worked as a community development worker, service manager and community connector and have a real interest in supporting people with ASD`s and families. 

    I love baking and find it very therapeutic when essays are due in ! The mince pies are in full swing !

  • I'm mum to two sons aged 7 & 8 - the eldest has a diagnosis of ASD and ADHD. I'm looking forward to accessing this community for both personal and professional purposes.

    I've been concerned recently at some ASD type 'groups' which have appeared on Facebook - largely set up by parents and used by parents. This is useful for basic support but there have been instances of unsafe advice given out - ie how to buy medications online which you might like to try on your child etc.....

    As this group is NAS affiliated and moderated I am hopeful that this will be a much safer forum for parents to seek advice and support.

  • Hello everyone.  I'm mum to 3 boys the youngest of whom has ASD.  He's 5 years old and attends mainstream school.  I can't thank them enough for all they've done for my son and me the worried mum!  I think the community is a fantastic idea.  Autism is a hard thing to understand unless you have personal experience.  My son was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago but I still feel like a novice.  I'm looking forward to help and advice from those more experienced.

  • Hi George, welcome to the forum - hope you find it helpful :)

  • My name is Stephen (posting as George) I am 40 years old and proud father of a 6 year old autistic son living in Essex. I am hoping to learn from other on this forum.

  • hi The Listener, Caiileach and Brandy, great to see new people joining.

    Hope you enjoy the Community and join in the discussions that are already starting across the forum :)

  • I am the mother of a 28 year old daughter with Aspergers.  We live in an area where services are non-existent and I am looking forward to hearing from other parents of females on the spectrum.  We try to attend as many seminars and conferences as possible and plan to attend the APAC 2011 conference in Perth next September - just an excuse for a holiday.  We'd better get saving. For future discussions:  housing (lack of options) friendships (lack of) females on the spectrum (and the problems that brings).  Just a few ideas, please feel free to agree or disagree with me. Love cats and in case you didn't know.....all cats have Aspergers!!

  • Hello,

    I'm the Mum of a 12 year old boy with Asperger's Syndrome. I'm very glad this forum is starting up and getting the hang of reading and posting.


  • Hi,

    I'm Mum to a 9 yr old son diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and a soon to be 7 yr old daughter. I live in Glasgow and am studying Autism at Strathclyde Uni with a view to working with folk on the Spectrum.

    I'm looking forward to being part of the community and to getting to know others.

    The Listener

  • I am the father of an autistic young man, the journey from birth to adulthood has been an amazing adventure.

    I am very excited to be here for the birth of this community. Poor Jim must be exhausted, he's been pushing for months!Laughing

    In my role as part of the moderator team I hope I can help make this community a safe, supportive and informative environment for everybody who comes here.


  • Ah my mistake again - thanks for the kind words Tails, I'm glad you like how the Community looks and yeah, we're all really excited about how the Community will grow and hopefully how useful people will find it Smile

  • No worries - and it's Tails, not Talis ;) Thanks for the welcome! Forum is looking absolutely splendid so far! I'm really excited to see how it grows.

    Also, hi to everyone else who joined recently!

  • Anonymous said:

    I don't get a 'hi', Jim? Frown

    Gosh - doh! Sorry Talis, my mistake. Of course you get a hi Smile

    It's great to see you sign up and I hope you really enjoy your time here, and Les, pavlova and Sweetpea as well