Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hi Wolfbear,

    You can share any information about yourself which you feel might be important or interesting and that you're comfortable sharing, we just ask that you don't put anything which would enable someone else to contact you directly - such as telephone/email. Since this is an introduction thread you could perhaps tell us something about your personal interests or a little about your experiences.

    I hope that helps.


  • Yo alex mod,


    You got it in one top man . give us a clue.

  • Hi Wolfbear,
    Thanks for your comment.  Could you tell us a little more about what you'd like to know about in terms of the 'introductions' discussion thread?  That way we can give you specific information to answer your question clearly and concisely.  For instance, I think you are asking for clarification on the information members should and should not give here - is this correct?

  • YO Smart team

    The have's and have a not's is pretty crucial.The identity, age who's who thing is a cool blind. and means information is recieved on an even playing field, part of the annon-y-mouse thing so can you clarify the introduction thing

  • Hello,

    My name is Mark and I've actually been here for a month before I found this topic!

    I have two daugthers, 2yo and 7yo, both diagnosed with HFA. I was diagnosed with HFA about 3 months after my eldest was. Eldest is receiving a statement, draft due next week.

    I'm a professional software developer (no surprise there) and my wife (who is not on the spectrum) spends most of her free time protecting the world from the 2yo and navigating the minefield of special education.

    We're based in Birmingham where the LA likes to make life extra complex, would be interesting to hear from others under Birmingham LA.


  • Hi Nitoda and Allyd,

    Thanks for your interesting comments. Perhaps one of you could start a new discussion thread in one of the other areas? It might be an easier way to continue your conversation and let more interested people join in.

    Good luck.


  • Hi,  your scenario is very similar to ours !! My son has also been away- to college but like your son he had an absolutely disaster of a time ! so he returned home. I think because we know intuitively and by experience our sons` needs, we do support them well, and like you I put off the care needs assessment. Unfortunately- or fortunately, I have also been a service manager for support services and know how people can be supported- the whole scale- extremely well by good, dedicated staff- to other end of support- and people really treating it like a job. The old policy `The same as you` really did hit home, we just want our sons`, and daughters to be treated the same as anyone else and to be on an equitable starting point !


    Yes, it is hard work even thinking about letting them go - because they come back- despondant about the big wide world ! So, to answer your question- about my son living away from home- in an ideal world it would be great- BUT I can`t see it happening, unless there is an absolutely brilliant , guaranteed support service !


    I too worry about something happening and I might not be here for my son, but when I think about needs assessment I also worry !


    Sounds like I might have to start a service myself  : )


    Hard work, isn`t it !

  • Hi Nicola, Mike (read your book and thoroughly enjoyed it!) and Looeeze!

    Great to see you here - hope you're enjoying the forum.

    Sandra Smile

  • Hi All,

    My name is Louise and I am a parent of a 19-year-old daughter with AS.  I've just signed in for the first time on the new Community and it's nice to see it up and running well.

    Looking forward to contributing to discussions over the next few weeks.


  • Hi everybody.

    I am Mike Stanton. I am a parent. My Asperger son Matthew is 25 and doing very well despite an absolutely terrible time in school. I am also a teacher in a school for severe learning difficulties. Most of my pupils are autistic. I give talks on autism. I wrote a book about autism. I blog about autism. I am not autistic but it is my special interest.

  • Hello

    I'm the mother of a 12 year old boy with ASD who has just started mainstream secondary school.  I'm really pleased that this forum has started up, and am looking forward to sharing experiences with others.

    I belong to several online forums, but I have a tendancy to lurk instead of making posts, so I'm going to have to be firm with myself on this one, and make myself jump in and make comments!



  • Hello everyone, I'm another one of the mods here. Smile

    I'm really looking forward to the continual development of this supportive community and to getting to know you all. Laughing

    I'm an adult (female) with HFA and dyspraxia.  I'm currently a full-time mature student and living (fairly independently) in student accommodation.  My brother has severe autism and is in residential care.

    I hope I can use my experiences (although of course they're individual to a degree) to help and support others. Undecided 

  • Hi everyone (and especially those who have just joined and not had a personal welcome - sixfoottwo, tibby25731, Lianne, David P - I hope I have not missed anyone out!).

    My name is Lee and I am Mum to an 18 year old son with Asperger's.  We have certainly had our challenges since diagnosis at age 11.  There is never a dull moment when he is around and he is great to have on your team when playing Trivial Pursuits! 

    I am really excited by the Community and would like to thank everyone at the NAS (especially Jim) for all their hardwork in making it all possible.  I hope that we will be able to help and support families and people on the spectrum.  I am looking forward to working with everyone

  • Hi all. My son Josh has Asperger's, he is 11 now and was diagnosed - finally! - aged 7. He lives with his mum, and has moved around a bit so his support has been patchy.

    He's now back in Lancashire and will ultimately get the support he needs!

     He has his moments - obsession, routine, the usual ASD traits - but he is a lad at heart; Liverpool, PS2, any sport you can shake a stick at, but he also has a much gentler side, he has feelings too! :-)

    Josh' older sister doesn't have an ASD, and she needs to learn how to cope with her younger sibling, just as much as the rest of us!

    Looking forward to receiving - and occasionally giving! - advice here.


  • Just reposting the message from before, which we had to remove due to a technical glitch causing someone to be signed in under the wrong account.

    So, welcome Liane - sorry for the problems - we hope to chat and resolve this soon Smile

    Hi, my name is Liane, I am married and have 3 boys, Grant 15, Cameron 13 and Fraser 11.  Cameron has Asperger's and has had a lot of trouble with schooling and meltdowns, due to these Grant has had psychological problems, and my youngest Fraser had Rheumatoid Arthritis at 9 months old and had open heart surgery when he was 3 years old.  I have learnt a lot about ASD through the NAS website and my local family aide worker from the NAS and a HELP! course.  Have had a lot of dealings with Social Services and Education.  Hope to speak to some of you soon.

  • Hi Liane,

    Sorry about the problem you've had with posts turning up under the wrong name - please get in touch at so we can sort this out.

    In the meantime I'm going to delete the posts you've made as 'the dragon', keep a copy so we can easily send them over for you to repost and let's get your account figured out :)

  • Hi everyone. I'm Laura. I have a 16 year old brother, Robbie, who has Aspergers. I'm very family orientated and have been there right through from getting him a diagnosis, to where he is now - attending school and living what is, for him, a normal life. I'm really happy to help anyone with a teenager on the spectrum and will tell you of our experiences and give any advise I can. At one point, I thought things might never be right for my brother - but now he is doing great and I am so proud of him!

  • Hi my name is Trevor and myself and my wife are parents to Torin (5) and Niamh (4). Torin was diagnosed mid spectrum 18 months ago, confirming what we had long suspected and Niamh was tested as a sibling and diagnosed last month as on the spectrum/high functioning. We've been lucky in that they've received early diagnosis and therefore early intervention but as with all parents I am worried about both of them leading happy and independant lives and my ability as a parent to make sure that they both are given the greatest opportunity to acheive that whilst we are still here to support them.

    We've been through the usual trials of special needs assessment and working with mainstream education to ensure they are on top of supporting them (which is a constant battle).

  • Hi the dragon, nitoda, Randomgrl and Ruthie,

    Great to see you posting and we hope you find the Community really helpful.

    And happy birthday for today dragon! :)

  • Hi All.

    I am a mum to a lovely 10 year old son, who has been very recently diagnosed with High Functioning Autism ( October2010). So i am still learning all about Autism and am hoping that this community can help me to understand more.

    I think it will be great for me to be able to communicate with others all about Autism.