What’s everyone doing this weekend?

I am in a caravan (week on holiday) currently watching match of the day (not my choice) with my 2 year old who won’t go to sleep! Earlier I went to Wroxham barns with my 5 year old and bought souvenirs in the gift shops, went in the animal farm part and had afternoon tea with my 5 year old. I just wondered what everyone else is doing this weekend? 

  • So far I have been for a run yesterday, and on that topic finally braved a shopping mall today to buy new running shoes since my old ones are so worn down I can feel every small piece of gravel through the soles.

    I'm sitting at home with my new purchase panicking over the money I spent, wanting but not wanting to wear them. 

    If I don't wear them I can avoid finding out if they disappoint. Disappointment is hard to overcome. If I wear them, I won't be able to return them to the shop.  I don't need anything fancy, just neutral shoes as I'm a midfoot striker, but what if I feel pain 4km into my run? And they are so expensive.

    I wanted to buy online but my previous shoes aren't made any more so I had to start from the beginning and try them on. 

  • You’re more motivated than me! I do keep intending to exercise but it never quite happens! What type of running shoes did you buy? Have you worn them yet?

  • Oh and I baked bread :-)   Kind of cancelling out the running, calorie-wise .....

  • I need to bake some more bread, I haven't baked any for ages but there's nothing quite like the smell, and taste, of home baked bread!

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