what kind of autism research would you do?

Suppose you have the funding and technical skills to carry out autism research (e.g., questionnaires, qualitative interviews, MRI, EEG, behavioural experiments, virtual reality, etc). What kind of research question would you like to ask? What autism question do you think is still not well known, and what would be your solution to solving it, or extend current knowledge?

  • I think relationships require genuine research with robust high quality science and ethics. There is some unethical pseudoscience without any scientific method, with unethical ableist spin floating around and causing psychological damage to autistic people and spreading prejudice.

    A robustly designed research to explore whether / why autistic people are more likely to end up in abusive  co dependent relationships with narcissists and Borderline Personality Disordered spouses. When accusations are floating around, spouses need to be assessed and diagnosed as well.

    There is also need for research for support - mental health, practical support, psychotherapy for families where partners and children are on the spectrum. To help the spouses and the family unit as whole to stay sane and connected. Not as a way to pull them apart in acrimonious damaging way, but as a preventative and supportive intervention, a service.

    The 'total attachment' thing, families need it too.


  • YaY, I’ve worked with Dr Harbottle and I’ve done several of her courses, she’s great, I really like her and I love her courses, it was nice to see her in this video as I haven’t seen her for a few years, it kind of makes me miss my old job. 

Reply Children
  • Lone warrior it is Russian rubbish. Im plain English Blue Ray has either never been a qualified social worker or she could be a former part timer called Mary. She is a right doppelgänger for this person anyway. So to me she has become mad mary and that could be a whole new thread. Or a matter for investigation by the appropriate outside professionals. It is not good, but my Russian is just rubbish and means just that. I have left NAS anyway. No problem. I mean no harm, just deflecting misleading boasts of the one. Sorry. Maybe I’m a real troll, but someone has to do the job. 

  • I have no clue as to why you added words that are in Serbian letter form?

    The literal translation does not give a true meaning as to the context you wish to put forward I think?

    may I ask why you chose to reply in such a manner?

    The literal translation comes out as “ Duck Work on All”.

    As I do not speak or understand Serbian I do not understand your reasons for adding it other than to maybe hide your words in some way?

    Your second reply “ Mad Mary by any chance?” are also left open to interpretation.

    You are entitled to read and reply as you see fit to, I do not however see your many replies to mainly one being as in any way constructive or indeed to debate the subject matter in this post.

    I am off myself to find out the meaning of various words, like “ sniping” “ cajoling “  and “with intent” “ deliberately “.

    I like to find the correct meaning of such words in order to make sure the true meaning is known.

    i naghi amasi m

  • ???!!!! Government health warning. Плучек рад о алл 

  • I was a social worker qwerty, (still am but not currently working) and I’ll always remember her, probably as she was so different to most of the trainers and I did one particular five day course with her (as well as others), but this one has stayed in my mind as it was so different to any other kind of social work course I had done, in the U.K. anyway. It was in line with how I work already, which was unusual (as I don’t work like most of the others, now I know why See no evil lol) and it was all about having conversations with people to get to the root cause of the problems and to get creative in finding solutions and to make the most of the support systems they already had.

    Now I think about it, it was when the new care act came in so it was in support of that. Sadly, it kind of fell on deaf ears with most people, because like most of our institutes, it’s like it’s fixed to work a certain way and people feel unable to change that, for some reason, even though they have the laws to back them up and they weren’t trained that way. 

    Celia works in line with how I work but it was difficult to get even the managers to change. In the end I went straight to the director, with my proposals and he really liked them and was getting on board with them and the next thing I heard he had been side stepped, or how ever they say it, they had taken him off that job and put him somewhere else. It was as if they didn’t want to change how they worked. I couldn’t understand it. 

    I loved that job and I’m still highly sought after, but towards the end of my career, I felt backed into a corner. I think I could still do a good job and make a difference but I would have to give up my independent status and work directly for the authority, which is way less money, not a huge deal I know, but it compensated for the number of breaks I needed to take, as I don’t really fit into a traditional type set up, even with flexible working hours, working from home etc. So I haven’t been able to let go of that career altogether just yet and I’m getting heavily into voluntary community work so I’ll still work with people that way and I’m currently on a coarse that will enable me to set up and work for myself, still in the ‘help’ type profession, but I somehow want to link it back to working with the clients I used to work with in social work and mental health work, as I loved the clients, I loved the job really and the people I worked with, I love the systems etc, of course they could be better, but couldn’t we all Blush we’re all works in progress but my vision has always been to some how link my work back up with the system. Who knows, maybe like Dr Harbottle I’ll become a trainer of soughts, who knows, we’ll see, I need to complete this course first and get myself out of this burnout :) 

  • Cool! I watched some of the video, and she seems to understand autism very well. Some of the things she says are really insightful, and I can relate a lot.

    BlueRay, what kind of job were you doing before to be able to work with her?