General Mental Unwellness thread

I'm very depressed tonight and I don't really have anywhere to turn. So I thought I'd make a thread here.  People can post in this thread when they are experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

  • I’m somehow feeling down and sad I can’t even say why. I feel like as if my body was made out of gel… if that makes any sense. And I’m clumsier than usual. Even meds does not help me. 

  • I dont know if your still feelling the same way now but have you tryed things to help cheer you up like listening to your favourate song or listening to some jokes or watching a movie or drawing or something you find enjoyable  ? if not then maybe that might help if you dont know why. if not sometimes it can help to write poetry, or just write or draw what your feeling. you dont have to know why your feelling the way you are to do it. another thing is ask yourself if anything has happened recently that has made you feell a certain way if not then one thing you could do is something you enjoy otherwise if not then its just rideing it out until it passes but these things could help while you do if you havnt already. 

  • Thank you, the only thing that happened recently was my holidays in my hometown I visited my parents, it was good we spent nice time but it was a disruption to my routine which results in me feeling like I’m not in my body or something like that and crying without any obvious reason. Now it’s better. The problem is that I lost any will to do anything enjoyable. Before I started writing a new sci fi novel and unfortunately I lost it. 

  • Thank you, the only thing that happened recently was my holidays in my hometown I visited my parents, it was good we spent nice time but it was a disruption to my routine which results in me feeling like I’m not in my body or something like that and crying without any obvious reason. Now it’s better. The problem is that I lost any will to do anything enjoyable. Before I started writing a new sci fi novel and unfortunately I lost it. 

  • yes I  get that side of disosiation when stressed aswell for me. but   for me in my case if stressed and particularly if over stressed  I dont get flu like symptoms for me in referance to the last paragraph.

    but if im over stressed  can feell under the weather.  it uses up alot of energy so it can make me feell tired or run down and when im tired or run down I can get all sorts of things. I dont usualy fever like symptoms or get cold like symptoms but can get signs of low energy or getting drained or  run down so  my body responds with  dry eyes and mouth  I also suffer from stress headaches if very anxious or over stressed but when im ok again or not over stressed  anymore  it goes away and it looks  as if nothing ever happened.

    the body can react in all sorts of ways when overly stressed both psysicaly and mentally.  the only one I dont exsperiance is the flu like symptoms in the last paragraph in the message you wrote but I can relate to the part about the room that can look slightly strange looking smaller or bigger and the feelling of is this real or not. for things can also  apear to be moving in the sense of moving further away or closer to you aswell sometimes at the same time but  other times it can be just a part of the room becoming distorted or un realistic and get biger or smaller this doesnt allways happen though. other times i might just get what alienated human described on there disasociation whereas other times i might just get the size thing you get  in disociation  it can also happen all together but not allways

  • I wrote this when stressed looking after my wife who had vascular dementia.

    'iF IAM F***ing lucky i 'll get to have the mental fever breaking bit was
    what happened real or wasit a dream disconnected everythingh is
    unaturally calm bit with the room looking
    slighly weird insome way smaller bigger clearer just basically somehow
    out of sync like everything is veing seen through the lwens of a an
    avant garde camera man stoned on on lsd.'

    I'm also prone to having flu like symptoms when overly stressed

  • thats ok. I understand what you mean part of my autism is that I dont like changes either which can cause high levels of Anxiety. the feelling about not being in your body that you are describing sounds like zoneing out and disosociation. 

    you dont need a disorder to exsperiance dis asociation and you csn disososiate even if you havnt been diagnosed with a disososiation disorder

    it can be a synptom  of  post traumatic stress disorder, Anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and Borderline personality disorder 

    but you can also disasociate when you dont have a disorder aswell and so  is considered normal to an exstent. 


    I exsperiance dissociation when im stressed aswell.

    for me though I can also get stress related hallucinations  though  which are hallucinations caused my stress but not everyone gets hallucinations or hallucinations caused by stress it is completely normal.

    aswrll as that usualy when anxious due to things being too loud, crowded places, disruption to routine or sensory overwhelm can disosiate in the way you described aswell though  you. not allways. for me as an infividual its more common tham the stress related hallucinations I can get so when you described that I understand what your talking about. 

    dissociation is when you feell disconnected from yourself and the world around you like feeling disconnected from your body for instsnce 

     an outside observer or looking at yourself from the outside  you can also feell like your living in a dream but everyoned exsperisnce is different. 

    it is the minds way of dealing with stress. some people have learned to dis osociate as a way of dealing with it. 

    so if you ever feell that way your not alone cause other people like me can get it when  things happen aswell 

    in case you might be interested 

    de realisation is a type of disososiation 

    it is where you feell like the world around you isnt real

    for instance seeing things change shape or colours 

    feelling detached ftom the world around you or seperated from it 

    the world looking lifeless.  or a foggy feeling like your living in a dream 

    wheres de personalisation is looking at yourself from the outside 

    feelling like your disconnected from parts of your body or emotions, or  feelling like your floating away, etc there is another type of disosociation 

    there is also disosiative fatgue 

    which is gaps in memory in other words not being able to remember certain events or about yourself or your hostory, and forgeting how to do something youv allways been able to do well in the past 

    the type of disosociation you described sounds like de realisation or de personalisation 

    but like I said anyone can exsperiance it at any time and can be caused by stress like it  was with you and everyone  exsperiances disosociation differently if or when it does happen. 

    its good that you feell much better now 

    if there was a change or disruption to your routine it is understandable that it made you feell the way it did but like I said im glad you feell better. 

    as for the book you lost it can help to think where you had it last and where you remeber putting last even if you dont know where it is right now.  where did you last have it?