General Mental Unwellness thread

I'm very depressed tonight and I don't really have anywhere to turn. So I thought I'd make a thread here.  People can post in this thread when they are experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

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  • I dont know if your still feelling the same way now but have you tryed things to help cheer you up like listening to your favourate song or listening to some jokes or watching a movie or drawing or something you find enjoyable  ? if not then maybe that might help if you dont know why. if not sometimes it can help to write poetry, or just write or draw what your feeling. you dont have to know why your feelling the way you are to do it. another thing is ask yourself if anything has happened recently that has made you feell a certain way if not then one thing you could do is something you enjoy otherwise if not then its just rideing it out until it passes but these things could help while you do if you havnt already. 

  • Med's have never helped me either.