Night Owls thread

This a thread for a people who are still awake at night and feeling lonely.  You can chat here.

  • Another night in.  How are the Night Owls?

  • We were talking about travel plans yesterday - what is your "bucket list" of far away places to see in this life?

  • Hi Iain, for me I would like to visit:

    Mars (and come back)

    the ISS (but not in a Boeing!)

    Japan for a few trips (its a big place),

    another trip to Thailand mountainous regions and

    go on boat along the Meikong when the lights emerge from the river.

    another trip to Paris


    Cook Islands,


    North Arnamland, 

    the outback austalia,

    New Zealand,


    across Canada on the train

    another trip to Joshua Tree...

    I have a BIG bucket!

  • Hi Iain, for me I would like to visit:

    Mars (and come back)

    the ISS (but not in a Boeing!)

    Japan for a few trips (its a big place),

    another trip to Thailand mountainous regions and

    go on boat along the Meikong when the lights emerge from the river.

    another trip to Paris


    Cook Islands,


    North Arnamland, 

    the outback austalia,

    New Zealand,


    across Canada on the train

    another trip to Joshua Tree...

    I have a BIG bucket!

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