Night Owls thread

This a thread for a people who are still awake at night and feeling lonely.  You can chat here.

  • Another night in.  How are the Night Owls?

  • Sore and stiff.

    Another day of hammer and chisel work cutting channels for pipes to run in the walls and a delivery of serveral hundred bricks and about 100 bags of sand & cement that had to be carted into the building.

    The killer was the wood used for "squaring off" the windows we removed (it they create a mould to hold the cement in place while it sets) was too tall to fit in the lift so I had to carry it up 14 flights of stairs in 3 trips. They also delivered 12m of reinforced steel bar - all in one length and there were no power sockets in the entrance to let me use my power tools so I had to bend it all by hand to about 3m long, tie it together and carry it up 14 flights of stairs too.

    I've just had a hot shower and enjoying a lie down now.

  • Please tell me that you cut the sides of the channel first with an anglegrinder, then just chase out the channel. Anything else is murderous...

    Ah, I remember hard work. So long ago it seems... ;c)

  • Please tell me that you cut the sides of the channel first with an anglegrinder, then just chase out the channel. Anything else is murderous...

    The dust from that process is still in my ears, eyes, hair and under my fingernails. I had the sense to wear a mask and goggles but when you are in a sandstorm that makes Dune look like a day at the beach then it is hard to avoid.

    Every pipe we uncover is riddled with rust holes and it is all encased in cement so I'll have to track the route of every pipe in the house today and liberate it from its cement tomb and replace it with a contemporary replacement that isn't holier than a pair of my welding work socks.

    Doing all this with a team of 3 builders, 2 electricians and a plumber (got him to replace the waste pipes as it was too foul for me to want to do myself) is giving me a headache - I'm looking to the later stages of decorating and woodwork where I can get on and do it all myself.

    Hopefully tomorrow will see a working toilet installed - with 6 workmen on the go there is much grumbling that they have to visit the coffee shop next door when they need to go.

    Any now my brother in law has bought 2 more flats that I'm lined up to do after this - so much for retirement...

  • Please tell me that you cut the sides of the channel first with an anglegrinder, then just chase out the channel. Anything else is murderous...

    The dust from that process is still in my ears, eyes, hair and under my fingernails. I had the sense to wear a mask and goggles but when you are in a sandstorm that makes Dune look like a day at the beach then it is hard to avoid.

    Every pipe we uncover is riddled with rust holes and it is all encased in cement so I'll have to track the route of every pipe in the house today and liberate it from its cement tomb and replace it with a contemporary replacement that isn't holier than a pair of my welding work socks.

    Doing all this with a team of 3 builders, 2 electricians and a plumber (got him to replace the waste pipes as it was too foul for me to want to do myself) is giving me a headache - I'm looking to the later stages of decorating and woodwork where I can get on and do it all myself.

    Hopefully tomorrow will see a working toilet installed - with 6 workmen on the go there is much grumbling that they have to visit the coffee shop next door when they need to go.

    Any now my brother in law has bought 2 more flats that I'm lined up to do after this - so much for retirement...

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