Relapsed again


  • Hi Yellow tree - I really wanted to engage too. But I have learned from an alcoholic friend of mine that there is no point while they are actually under the influence. And then I forgot. I hope that things are better. I can't remember the details now, but if you have codine constipation can you try something live Movicol to get things moving?

  • That’s a shame. Is your friend okay now? Yeh Movicol (otherwise known as Macragol or polyethylene glycol 3350 in America) is a good laxative. It draws water from the rest of the body. I find if my GI tract is in a state of emergency or pain then it sends signals to my brain to go into fight or flight and I then get panic attacks. So I guess I try and eat more fibre, drink water take medicine etc to help my guts and that helps my anxiety then.

  • I have a water bottle like this, that I totally rely on. If I didn't have it, I'd be a shriveled prune because I forget to drink, In fact, I actually have two for when one needs to be washed.

    I can't have codeine any more because of constipation. Even one dose gets me. Also codeine is addictive and hard to give up. IBS and digestive problems are really common to autistics. I have struggled with these problems for most of my life.

    Anyway - the water bottles are a god send!

  • These water bottles are really good. I am totally useless at drinking water

  • This is plastic and quite tough. The point of this one is that it has markers on how much to drink by a certain time. I keep it by me and when I look at it, I have that reminder to get on track. I forgot to tell you about the markers - and that was the whole point .

  • Cool stuff! I use a metal water bottle as I am liable to break these things because I am quite clumsy at times and always knock them over by accident ending up breaking them. Lol. 

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