Is it burnout?

I feel tired. I can say tired with life, but not suicidal. Not even negative. I just have little or no energy to do things, I feel like my body is too heavy to move or like I stick in a swamp. Even after well rest. My life has always been driven by passionate interests and hobbies. Now I have no energy even for that. YouTube suggested me new videos about UFOs and aliens and I just saved that for later. I have no power to even watch it now. Everything gets worse because I crave more and more loneliness, zoome out, dissociate, behave like a catatonic and get questions what’s wrong. I don’t know and I don’t know how to help it. I’m fed up with mental health professionals after my last therapy, where the therapist clearly didn’t understand me and my issues. I don’t know where to move what to do. Any advice will be appreciated. 

  • I've beeen struggling with exactly the same thing, for over a year now and been tryng to work out if it is an artifact of advancing age or even depression.

    Do you have tinnitus by any chance? I've had a LOT of that over the last year, and normally only get it when I am ill.

    Until I had a flu in march this year I have not been ill since before the tinnitus has been really odd and out of place for me...

  • I have tinnitus since I ever remember, I remember it from my childhood and only recently found out what is this and that it’s actually not normal. Yes I do, have it. 

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  • This brings me back to thhinking how much I really want a doctor who will work my problems with me (when I get them) rather than imposing his best guess on me as if it were the word of god.

    Well correlation is definitely NOT causation, BUT the lethargy and tinnitus seem to have appeared simultaneously at the same time.

    I will mention as a data point (which on it's own means NOTHING) my onset of lethargy and tinnitus conincided with the time that they finally got the local 5g mast to work after an extended period of bad luck it was experiencing where it seemed to get into repeated collisions with passing traffic. 

    I've been monitoring and analying the "5G is bad and will make us ill" conspiracy theory for a while now, and a lot of what I have read, heard or seen is a load of "bollardooloo", or just plain wirng, and based on a misunderstanding of the technicalities of how it works, etc.

    BUT. If the thread fills up with people saying "I've got tinnitus and lethargy and it seems to coincide with us getting the new mast at the end of the road" then I will pull my finger out, and put the last wall up which will complete the faraday cage* in the garden, that I've been assembling for a different purpose, and do some "testing". 

    It's nothng to do with the Vaxx as I didn't have any of that, (And vaccinations did not give me my Autism either, because I presenetd the signs (I can see retrospectively, a long time before I had any vaccinations) 

    So if it's not 5g (and it isn't until this thread fills up with people saying that they also got tinnitus and lethargy conincidentaly with their local mast going up/gettng fixed) and it's not the vax, do you think we might have simple depression?

    I've had attacks of acute "go to the doctor and get it fixed" levels of depression since I was 13 until expermenting with research chemicals (A.K.A. taking newly synthesised recreational drugs that weren't yet illegal to see what they did to me) seemed to accidentally fix that, in 2011, and my diiagnosis in 2019 seemed to have completed my recovery, BUT I've got this whole letahrgy amotivational thing going on combined with the tinnitus and that IS new to me..