Sound sensitivity

Hi everyone, 

I am a late-diagnosed autistic person and have noticed my sensitivity to noise fluctuates. The other day I found myself having to put in the loop ear plugs at home because the sound of my family talking became suddenly upsetting. Does that happen to you? Do you see your sensory sensitivities fluctuate?

Thank you!

  • I do. If I am exposed to a sound or a collection of sounds for any length of time I am unable to focus and can get stressed. For example, if my toddler is watching Blippi on TV, my oldest has the ipad on in another room and my daughter is banging on her doll house. Then my wife asks me something or tries to discuss something (which normally happens with both our mobile phones in use for one thing or another). I can't process what she is saying. Even if I transition from the, let's say online shop, on my mobile and try to hear her I still don't always process things. Then I hear the cars outside and other noises. I find it hard to not snap and tell everyone or everything on earth to just be quiet for two minutes. But, I love them all I just am not a fan of noise, particularly all at once. Another example is long drives, I hear the car, other peoples cars, the radio, the kids, my wife and a bunch of other things. I find it hard to focus on the driving. (Autism Initiatives signed a form for a bus pass thankfully so I have options if I feel too stressed to drive some days). We go to a busy church on Sundays. It can be crowded and loud. I manage from years of practice. (One of the ministers at this church is Autistic and he is suggesting I join Thursday church which is low key. Less people. Less mega church style, more micro church. So I guess there are ways around these sort of challenges). The strange thing is I sometimes am OK also, so other factors must be at play. Perhaps my tiredness or feelings in the week, etc.

  • YES!! Me too, I have very late diagnosis (im 47) and at the dinner table at times i need to use the loop earplugs.  sometimes i am ok but sometimes not

  • Hi Libb I have always struggled with auditory spd the most. As a child it was more prevelant when I was doing my maths homework, I couldn't even be in the same room as someone as the breathing would be enough to tip me over the edge. Now as an adult I find it gets worse when a meltdown is on the way, if I'm coming down with something or I'm more tired that day. And also when I'm due on and during my period. 

    Is there anyway of maybe your family leaving you in the house alone for the day when your feeling like this? My flat mate use to go home for the week and leave me in isolation and it was the best thing ever.

  • all the time, I walk round with my loop earphones around the house and my sunglasses.

  • I am always sensitive to noise but it ramps up significantly if I’m tired or stressed. I wish I could switch my ears off tbh.

  • Do you see your sensory sensitivities fluctuate?

    Yes - I think it is common when we are feeling run down or stressed that our sensitivities become more "tender" and have more impact on us.

    It is helpful to be able to monitor your state so you can develop coping techniques for it - typically being able to make space to recharge yourself through things like special interests.

    It isn't always easy to make the time for this but when you can't take time out then it is also good to communicate your status to those close to you who hopefully know enough to make accommodations to be less of a stress on you.