I want life to stop

Lights, sounds, smells, everything is extra intolerable lately. I cant seem to make myself do stuff, I cant make decisions. I feel tired and am getting headaches. Words are harder. I keep almost having meltdown/shutdowns (just today I felt like a meltdown every 30min). Im exhausted 

I want it all to stop, I want to take a break from everything but I cant. I have homework, I have school, on friday we have an assembly which I always get overwhelmed at but im scared ill have a full on meltdown because I seem to not even be able to handle everyday stimuli so how could I survive a room with hundreds of students with everyone screaming to get hyped for stupid turnabout dance 

I started feeling like rubbish for a couple weeks but then the last 3 days have been absolutly unbearable. Why is life so hard

Took me 21min to type this (not even that long of a post...)

  • How did you survive assembly? I hope you have noise canceling headphones or ear plugs.

  • I didnt have ear plugs (meant to buy some but I dont have money at the moment Slight smile). I just shutdown in assembly so not ideal but at least I didnt meltdown 

    Does anyone have good ear plug recommendations by the way? Ive heard people mention Loops but I watched abunch of videos and some people say they are uncomfortable and dont work so Idk if I should get them

  • I found loops did not work for me as my ears are misshapen. I use big, over the ear, BOSE noise canceling headphones I hang around my neck and have handy. I have hearing aids now so I have to use this sort of thing.

    As for ear plugs, which I use at night, I recommend ear putty. It's silicon and molds around the outside of the ear and blocks up to 90% of noise! It's terrific. and one can regulate to let a little noise in by loosening the fit. This is what I uesd before they gave me the hearing aids. There are pictures of how it works.


    This is not a plug (teehee) for the company, but "macks" are the best.

  • So pleased you like them Thumbsup I hope you're ok and feeling a bit more positive?

  • I can turn them off. Ive tried a number of options and the BOSE and the hearing aids together are perfect. I'm old enough no one cares. when I go to a movie it's a bit of bother, though, before I would put in the ear putty with a tiny gap, but Ive lost so much in the vocal range everyone sounds like the adults in a Peanuts cartoon, so I'm' still experimenting with the theater environment. I may check into if the theater has bluetooth.

    At night the putty works just fine. My ears are funny shapes so the Loops I tried a year ago didn't work.  

  • Couldnt you just take out your hearing aid when you want to stop hearing?

  • I am overjoyed for you and finding the right thing to buffer against the slings and arrows and all that. Now. If didn't wear hearing aids I would try Loops again! 

  • Who says "money can't buy happiness"?

  • Okay my Loop earplugs just came...


    I honestly was just getting them and didnt have very high hopes but these are amazing. They dont feel like they are going to fall out (I always have that problem with in-ear things) and my voice doesnt sound weird (I actually think my voice sounds weirder without...). I got the clear ones and they are actually quite hidden except when I put the mutes in. 

    Im going to wear them to school tomarrow and see how it goes

  • I ordered engage loops. They have a 100 day return thing, so if I dont like them ill send them back and try something else

Reply Children
  • So pleased you like them Thumbsup I hope you're ok and feeling a bit more positive?

  • I can turn them off. Ive tried a number of options and the BOSE and the hearing aids together are perfect. I'm old enough no one cares. when I go to a movie it's a bit of bother, though, before I would put in the ear putty with a tiny gap, but Ive lost so much in the vocal range everyone sounds like the adults in a Peanuts cartoon, so I'm' still experimenting with the theater environment. I may check into if the theater has bluetooth.

    At night the putty works just fine. My ears are funny shapes so the Loops I tried a year ago didn't work.  

  • Couldnt you just take out your hearing aid when you want to stop hearing?

  • I am overjoyed for you and finding the right thing to buffer against the slings and arrows and all that. Now. If didn't wear hearing aids I would try Loops again! 

  • Who says "money can't buy happiness"?

  • Okay my Loop earplugs just came...


    I honestly was just getting them and didnt have very high hopes but these are amazing. They dont feel like they are going to fall out (I always have that problem with in-ear things) and my voice doesnt sound weird (I actually think my voice sounds weirder without...). I got the clear ones and they are actually quite hidden except when I put the mutes in. 

    Im going to wear them to school tomarrow and see how it goes