I want life to stop

Lights, sounds, smells, everything is extra intolerable lately. I cant seem to make myself do stuff, I cant make decisions. I feel tired and am getting headaches. Words are harder. I keep almost having meltdown/shutdowns (just today I felt like a meltdown every 30min). Im exhausted 

I want it all to stop, I want to take a break from everything but I cant. I have homework, I have school, on friday we have an assembly which I always get overwhelmed at but im scared ill have a full on meltdown because I seem to not even be able to handle everyday stimuli so how could I survive a room with hundreds of students with everyone screaming to get hyped for stupid turnabout dance 

I started feeling like rubbish for a couple weeks but then the last 3 days have been absolutly unbearable. Why is life so hard

Took me 21min to type this (not even that long of a post...)

  • I'm sorry, I need to vent about the above post and say:

    How can you be here for anyone, as a "deleted user"? 

    Then when people change their minds (as so many do), the continuity is lost..

    I'm sorry, but if you have Autism then THESE are our people.

    Running away from us, seems uncomfortably like running away from yourself... 

  • Can you just not. Its our fault she didnt feel comfortable here anymore, not hers. Shes not running away from anything, shes looking after her health. I dont know if that was a joke but its not very funny in my opinion.

  • I know dear FrozenH, She is a sweet wind on a dry day. We all have needs and she's staking a claim to hers now. We have to honor that.  It is a sign of wisdom. She may return one day.

  • Well yeah...but I still feel awful

    You don’t need to feel awful, it’s not your fault! However I do understand that you don’t want to feel as though she has been rejected in her own community. 

    I dont want Debbie to have left

    I understand but she might come back in the future. Or alternatively find another autistic community that she can join.

  • Well yeah...but I still feel awful

    I dont want Debbie to have left

  • I wont give specifics on what shes told me, but yes it is our fault

    It can’t be our fault generally as some of us including myself have not even interacted with her. If a member of our autistic community makes a decision to leave it’s their choice that this space is not right for them and not necessarily an indication that we have done something wrong.

    Maybe Debbie could find another autistic tribe where she feels like she belongs.

  • It's very much not a joke, what goes on here, over and over, again.

    I'm sorry I was still writing the above before seeing your post.

    It's a fine line to tread between raising an issue for discussion, and offending someone.

    I don't always get it right.

    I see "being offended" as primarily MY problem, and expecting others to accomodate my offense as a poorer solution, than trying to see how not to take offence. I take a lot of stick on this forum, as well as getting the occasional thank you for my efforts to be helpful.

    It's an effort to keep it going sometimes, but having extended a hand to those who I think I can either help, or possibly even become a friend of, I feel a responsibility to some of you.

    Heck, fulfilling a promise to one of you has unexpectedly cost me seven quid plus the item itself, and is giong to cost me another 17 to resend it with fedex..

    If you step up and say you are "with people" you take on a responsibilty.

    Every time I feel hacked off with this forum, I try very hard to remember that responsibilty and place it above my own transient feelings. 

    I'm not "virtue signalling" as some might think, I'm stating a process that works better than running away, changing your mind and restarting again.  

    I got it from Chuck Yeagers Advanced Flight Trainer Video Game in 1992, where every time I crashed and burned, a laconic voice would drawl, "get back up there and try it again".  

    In my own case, I've found that when this forum has got so objectionable to my gentle sensitivities, that I need to take a break, NO-ONE NOTICES.

    We Autistics, all have that horrible experience of "losing our mojo" and I'm really sorry if that's what Debbie is going through ATM.

    But after a well over a half century of doing it myself, I've learned that I keep "coming back" from the depths of despair, and it's a lot easier if I didn't burn my bridges whilst I was feeling like that. 

    When I'm "sperging out", you guys don't hear a lot from me, what's the point? I'm an adult, it's MY problem not yours, and by now I know how to deal with it.

    I do self censor quite a lot already, there are some subjects that just cannot be discussed rationally under any circumstances even with autistic folk. 

  • It's very much not a joke, what goes on here, over and over, again.

    I'm sorry I was still writing the above before seeing your post.

    It's a fine line to tread between raising an issue for discussion, and offending someone.

    I don't always get it right.

    I see "being offended" as primarily MY problem, and expecting others to accomodate my offense as a poorer solution, than trying to see how not to take offence. I take a lot of stick on this forum, as well as getting the occasional thank you for my efforts to be helpful.

    It's an effort to keep it going sometimes, but having extended a hand to those who I think I can either help, or possibly even become a friend of, I feel a responsibility to some of you.

    Heck, fulfilling a promise to one of you has unexpectedly cost me seven quid plus the item itself, and is giong to cost me another 17 to resend it with fedex..

    If you step up and say you are "with people" you take on a responsibilty.

    Every time I feel hacked off with this forum, I try very hard to remember that responsibilty and place it above my own transient feelings. 

    I'm not "virtue signalling" as some might think, I'm stating a process that works better than running away, changing your mind and restarting again.  

    I got it from Chuck Yeagers Advanced Flight Trainer Video Game in 1992, where every time I crashed and burned, a laconic voice would drawl, "get back up there and try it again".  

    In my own case, I've found that when this forum has got so objectionable to my gentle sensitivities, that I need to take a break, NO-ONE NOTICES.

    We Autistics, all have that horrible experience of "losing our mojo" and I'm really sorry if that's what Debbie is going through ATM.

    But after a well over a half century of doing it myself, I've learned that I keep "coming back" from the depths of despair, and it's a lot easier if I didn't burn my bridges whilst I was feeling like that. 

    When I'm "sperging out", you guys don't hear a lot from me, what's the point? I'm an adult, it's MY problem not yours, and by now I know how to deal with it.

    I do self censor quite a lot already, there are some subjects that just cannot be discussed rationally under any circumstances even with autistic folk. 

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