Depression and anxiety

Having depression and anxiety is so hard especially when I’m autistic i thind it hard to talk to people on how I feel I get nervous and shaky and usually start crying and I feel alone because I don’t have no friends and been bullied for it I just want support I been on a waiting list for Cambs for a year and things been bad and people say call sarmaritons but my social anxiety and my understanding is very difficult I feel like I don’t deserve support because of who I am 

  • Yep this is me all over. I think my anxiety makes others nervous around me too as I'm so shakey out out in public these days and get emotional over stupid things that a regular person could just shrug off. I cry myself to sleep sometimes then feel pathetic after like what I am crying for and telling myself to man up. Usually when I think about if anything would happen to parents I wouldn't have anyone left to understand means being alone scares me even though I already spend most of my days of my days alone cause to much social interactions drains me. It's like a catch 22 situion. Stuck between a rock and hard place so to speak.

  • Hi 

    Im so sorry you feel like that. Im guessing from your post that your a teenager and I just want to say I felt you like you did when I was your age and I did similar things to you

    I just want to tell you it does get better. It might not feel like it now but you will not always feel like this

    I still struggle with my autism everyday, that will never go away but I have a more stable life now and one day you will too. 
    Just keep going and I promise you will get there

    If you ever need to talk there are lots of us here who are there for you

  • I have talked to my doctor they just say I can’t do nothing your on a waiting list so you have to wait and they never give me text lines or anything i ended up in hospital because I done something stupid and my mum just don’t help and I am alone who here and what you mean by there other ways of contacting samaritons my brother said they useless and I tried child line and other they just call the police or they end the chat because it been past the limit of time I’m not a fast typer and they came at 4:00am one and this made me scared and my mum was arguing at me because she had work and everything is to much 

  • I think you do deserve support because you're a human being. The Samaratins will always support you and there are other ways to get in touch with them other than just a phone call, which I can't imagine doing myself because I hate using the phone if I don't have an entire conversation read. They will give you the time you need if you do decide to call.

    I struggle with depression and anxiety and it can be hard to communicate how it affects me and how it makes me feel to people. I've been bullied and been rejected by friends before because of my mental health and autistic traits but no one deserves this. You only need people in your life who truly care about you.

    If you feel like you are struggling it may help to contact your doctor and they can try to get support sooner. Take a note of what you are struggling with and what support you need and use this to help you. You are definitely not alone.