Mum with an Aspergers girl.

Hello, I'm a mum with a 11 year old daughter probable Aspergers but not yet diagnosed. We have no doubt she is an the spectrum and have known most of her life but getting GP's etc to listen and take notice has been a long and ongoing battle. Finally now getting somewhere, SENCO help at school, awaiting a paediatric appointment and reading and researching everything I can to help her. I want to join support groups to meet people who will understand exactly what we are going through, to learn more and also feel less alone and isolated as a mum. 

  • Hi Star77, thank you for your reply and support. I have to admit I'm finding things very hard at the moment and I'm glad I've found some supportive websites and forums. It does seem a long process. I went to the GP but it was all dismissed as bad behaviour and she needed discipline!! I did manage to get a paediatric referral though as I insisted I wanted some neurological checks done. My daughter manages to hide everything at school and does well academically and then has meltdowns when she gets home because of all the daily struggles particularly socially. She has no friends, feels lonely and very sad. She has some sensory processing issues, anxiety and many traits of female aspergers. I'm in no doubt it is Aspergers and have known since she was very young. She has seen GP's and even CAMH's but got nowhere. We moved to Somerset and to a fantastic primary school and she is now having sessions with an educational psychologist. At last I have been listened to and feel we are finally getting some help. My dad passed away recently and as a family we have all come to the recent realisation that the many problems that he had all his life was also probable Autism. So everything has hit me all at once. I have some good days but also bad days where it feels so difficult to cope with it all. It's very tiring and emotionally draining. No one really understands unless they are actually going through it with their own child. Secondary school is a worry and I know the years ahead are going to be tough. Just got to keep moving forward and getting all the help we can. Thinking of you and thanks again. 

  • Thankyou for all the information. It is all really helpful and glad I have found this site. Thanks again.

  • Hi honeybee, I can certainly relate to your story. My daughter is 10 and is 'aspergers ' but we too are on the waiting list for diagnosIs. Again, Ive always known my daughter wa different but I was in denial and it was only when I realised how she was actually suffering at school and being labelled as naughty that I had to do something about it. I didn't go to the go at first, my route was the school nurse along with the school who then advised me to go to he go. Weve  Had so many issues on our journey I wouldn't know where to start but you are certainly not alone although it sure does feel like it most of the time! when each day is exhausting and frustrating I have to stop and think how difficult things must be for her too. Getting a diagnosis is going to take a good while I imagine but in the meantime gatheri knowledge and strategies to cope is what I can do. I'm not sure what Armco is but I'm sure it was be the equivalent to alnco additional learning needs which is what we have now. The school also do social stories which is great. One thing that  was annoying was that we waited 10 months for a paediatric appointment and  then it was another three months and a second appointment before we were referred to the asd diagnosis panel so that's another list to wait on. Have you completed questionnaires? We had two lots to do. We have also had an observation in class from a specialist autism teacher. I feel good that some things are happening at least you can get support without a diagnosis but I do worry about moving to high school when school is such a big anxiety anywa. I hope to hear more of your story and hope things keep moving along for you. It can be isolating I completely get that x

  • Hi honeybee, I can certainly relate to your story. My daughter is 10 and is 'aspergers ' but we too are on the waiting list for diagnosIs. Again, Ive always known my daughter wa different but I was in denial and it was only when I realised how she was actually suffering at school and being labelled as naughty that I had to do something about it. I didn't go to the go at first, my route was the school nurse along with the school who then advised me to go to he go. Weve  Had so many issues on our journey I wouldn't know where to start but you are certainly not alone although it sure does feel like it most of the time! when each day is exhausting and frustrating I have to stop and think how difficult things must be for her too. Getting a diagnosis is going to take a good while I imagine but in the meantime gatheri knowledge and strategies to cope is what I can do. I'm not sure what Armco is but I'm sure it was be the equivalent to alnco additional learning needs which is what we have now. The school also do social stories which is great. One thing that  was annoying was that we waited 10 months for a paediatric appointment and  then it was another three months and a second appointment before we were referred to the asd diagnosis panel so that's another list to wait on. Have you completed questionnaires? We had two lots to do. We have also had an observation in class from a specialist autism teacher. I feel good that some things are happening at least you can get support without a diagnosis but I do worry about moving to high school when school is such a big anxiety anywa. I hope to hear more of your story and hope things keep moving along for you. It can be isolating I completely get that x

  • Hi Honeybeez,

    Welcome to the Community.

    I have listed some information and services below which you may find useful.  Particularly the Autism Services Directory where you can find local branches and support groups for parents.

    You can search for services in your area on the Autism Services Directory: This includes services such as: support groups, social groups, advocacy, befriending, residential settings, outreach and respite.


    To find out if your Child has autism/Asperger's syndrome they would need to go for a formal diagnostic assessment. This section provides further information on getting a diagnosis:

    You may also want to look at our section that provides advice for parents, relatives and carers of people with autism.

    I hope you have found this information helpful.
