Hello, any advice greatly appreciated!


We have a 12yo son who has a working diagnosis of ASD.  This comes after years of concern about occasionally volatile behaviour and actions, and ongoing assessment through CAMHS.

I'm hoping some of you will be able to share the benefit of your experience with us, as we feel overwhelmed and a bit lost as to how to go forward with things.

Look forward to hearing from you. 

  • Thanks, J, I think you might be similar to our son as we think of him as high functioning, much as he does, although he is upset at the thought of being diagnosed.

    As you say, it may take some time to sink in however you're right that it's for the best in the long run.

    You sharing your experience has been very helpful. I will point him towards this site as it should really benefit him.

    Thanks again to you and JP for sharing your experiences.

  • Thanks JP, that's very helpful.  We have also had an incident with a kitchen knife which is very upsetting.

    We were discharged by CAMHS, however we didn't feel that they had properly assessed/diagnosed our son.  

    We persisted, however, in order to get a proper pyschiatric assessment.  I am glad we did persist and refused to be fobbed off by CAMHS.  He is now on medication which has really helped with his mood, and has a working diagnosis of ASD.

  • hey,

    I recently got my results from my ASD, and it turns out that I have high functioning autism. At first I found it confusing, and I wasnt sure how I was "supposed" to feel. Now, I am relieved that I finally know what has made me me. I am still a little embarrassed at having it, but hopefully over time I will be ready to share it with my friends. It will take time for it to sink in, but in the long run look at it as a positive thing as now people can understand your son better and will be able to support him in ways that will actually work. This site has helped me massively, maybe it might help him too. My mum also goes to speak to someome about how to cope with me when I have a meltdown, or just to understand what autism is. You might want to try that

    Sending my best wishes x

  • JohnColm said:


    We have a 12yo son who has a working diagnosis of ASD.  This comes after years of concern about occasionally volatile behaviour and actions, and ongoing assessment through CAMHS.

    I'm hoping some of you will be able to share the benefit of your experience with us, as we feel overwhelmed and a bit lost as to how to go forward with things.

    Look forward to hearing from you. 

    We have a 13 year old who has been assessed has having traits of ASD, we have tussled with both MATT and CAMHS over the last 8 years, he is very volitile and aggressive and just this evening has yet again pulled a knife out and held it to his throat, twice now we have had the police out as a result of him pulling a knife out the kitchen block about 4 months between each one. CAHMS is all over the place with its service and support and in our experience have been not very helpful, we went to family therapy but he didn't want to see our son?? confused about that one. MATT gave up and there seems to be little engagement from CAHMS. So we are at our wits end about the whole issue, he is violent towards his two younger brothers aged 5 & 8 and today was kicked of by his older brother taking back his own game from him and then quicly developed into him threatening everyone and hitting his mum. I had to both disarm and restrain him, my wife wouldnt make a statement to the police as they said it was the only way they could lock him up, reluctently his nana and grandad have taken him for the night. All over a game!!! we dont know what else to do, spoke to social services who had recently took our son of their books as they said we were coping even though we still raise concerns over the rest of the familys safety, we feel constantly let down by those that should be there to support not only us but son.