"Hello", an imaginative title.

Hello everyone, it's taken a while to making my first post but finally got round to it.

Our Son was recently diagnosed with ASD. When we were told, the weight that lifted from our shoulders was immense knowing that finally he would get the help and support we knew he needed (I'm sure there are some of you saying "Aye, right you naive soul").

Of course, receiving the diagnosis has raised many more questions than answers. But I'll save them for another time as many of these I'm struggling to formulate, but when I do I'm sure I'll be looking to those who have walked this road before me.

  • Hi Stan, one good thing about a forum like this is knowing that there is a community of helpful folk out there. I think an ASD diagnosis does bring out the inquisitive side of a lot of people, I don't think I read so many "text" books since I was at Uni. Though most of these raise more questions than they answer.

  • Hi Birdie, I've read so many books over the past few months the problem I find is that the behaviours described in many of these books just don't match those we see in our Son. So trying to find suitable strategies is proving difficult. I think the hardest thing is trying to adapt our way of thinking and reacting to the things our Son does. Currently we're waiting for a place on a course through our local CAMHS which hopefully will, at least, give us the chance to meet other parents and perhaps make us realise that we're not doing too badly.

    I hope you and your son manage to get through the system quickly, we were lucky in that it took around 18 months from first referal to final diagnosis.

  • Hi, just new to this forum too. 

    Totally felt the same,  a relief after 2 years of hospital appointments  and being told, they weren't sure. He is 4 and I hope now he has a diagnosis he can get early intervention and the help a wee person needs with Asd xx

  • Hello Birdie,

    yeah it is a real thing, i stumbled on it by accident. I have a wowcher account and they offer courses at a discounted rate. If you have a wowcher login type "Autism" and all the courses will rock up. I did mine with the centre of excellence. It was £119 but i got it for £20. On completion you get the certificate for the Autism AND you are given automatic membership to the International alliance of holistic therapists and the International Association of neurolinguistic programming and coaching for twelve months. I hope this gets you closer to understanding Autism.

  • Hi Analog Kid and Stan, just wondered where you get an autism awareness diploma is it an actual thing? Glad you have a diagnosis we're just starting out my son is 5 and in the 'system'. There are some really good books out there though which help, read as much as you can as there is often a little nugget in each one that makes a lot of sense.

  • Hello the analogue kid,

    its good to see you had the confidence to post. My daughter was diagnosed with Autism two years ago now and like you it raised a lot of questions. Like no one in our family is autistic how has she got it? etc. i know what you are going through. Being the inquisitive bloke i am i took an Autism awareness diploma to anwer some of my questions and the course was intriguing. If you do pose any questions i will try to anwer them if i can for you but please fire away. Dont suffer in silence.