"Hello", an imaginative title.

Hello everyone, it's taken a while to making my first post but finally got round to it.

Our Son was recently diagnosed with ASD. When we were told, the weight that lifted from our shoulders was immense knowing that finally he would get the help and support we knew he needed (I'm sure there are some of you saying "Aye, right you naive soul").

Of course, receiving the diagnosis has raised many more questions than answers. But I'll save them for another time as many of these I'm struggling to formulate, but when I do I'm sure I'll be looking to those who have walked this road before me.

  • Hi, just new to this forum too. 

    Totally felt the same,  a relief after 2 years of hospital appointments  and being told, they weren't sure. He is 4 and I hope now he has a diagnosis he can get early intervention and the help a wee person needs with Asd xx

  • Hi, just new to this forum too. 

    Totally felt the same,  a relief after 2 years of hospital appointments  and being told, they weren't sure. He is 4 and I hope now he has a diagnosis he can get early intervention and the help a wee person needs with Asd xx

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