Newly diagnosed Asperger's. Early 30s female.


Hi all. 

  • Jam_1 ️ said:


    Hi all. 

    Hi there I'm LucyRaised hand

    I got diagnosed with mild auistum last year I'm also in my early 30's. So that's a few things we have in common!

  • I'm just wondering what kind of services would be helpful.

    Here, there is a posibility to get someone over for 6 euros an hour who helps you put structures into place and help figure out systems to keep the house tidy. So a sort of coach who doesn't do the work but helps you see structures and systems to minimise anxiety and conserve energy.

    Also for instance, I am frightened to cycle in town (which is a major disability here), so I am hoping to ask them to teach me cycle routes and strategies.

    I haven't had my first appointment yet and there is a long waiting list.

    I have never been able to hold down a full time job for long, because the stress makes me ill. So I am also hoping there will be a legal loophole to allow me to work part time. But that will be touch and go - because of austerity and that kind of stuff. But there is an organisation here who helps with the paperwork and contacting the right people. Which is good. Because I am useless and usually find out years to late that I have been missing out on this and that financially because I didn't know or forgot to open some letter here or there.

    Reading what I'm writing, it makes it all seem worse than it is for me. Because I do have a degree and I should be able to do all this stuff. But somehow I don't.

    I like your remark, Acoll, about remaining "Me".

    I guess, for me understanding the stress stupid things cause, is the most enlightening. I never really understood why my body was panicking and feeling extreme stress, for stupid things, I thought I might/should rationally even enjoy.

  • Well, I'd been wondering for about 10 years whether I might have Aspergers, then I moved to an area with a good Adult Diagnosis service - and have been diagnosed with it.

    As my GP and I discussed, I'm still "Me", but I know a bit more about WHY I'm Me, if that makes sense? 

    I'm in my mid 40's, and female - and there's not much in the way of services for someone with mild Aspergers round here!

  • Jam_1 ️ said:

     at least there's now a reason I have problems with life rather than being generally useless. 

    That makes sense. :-) I don't quite dare tell everyone because I'm frightened about reactions. But certainly it is useful to know that there are reasons. And having a formal diagnosis makes it easier for yourself to accept it as truth. Even though I notice that I'm not the only one after diagnosis who keep wondering: "I hope it isn't a mistake and they won't change their mind". Also, a formal diagnosis opens doors to being helped.

  • hey, thats OK thanks for the answer! yeah its nice to have an explanation for some things :) hope things go well for you from now!

  • Hi and thank you.

    Erm, I am not that sure, really. My CPN referred me for it. 

    I hope it'll be useful - at least there's now a reason I have problems with life rather than being generally useless. 

    Sorry for not having a better answer! 

  • Jam_1 ️ said:


    Hi all. 

    Hi, im also new, can i ask why you wanted diagnosis? no need to answer, just wondering as im undiagnosed 30s male