seven years of hell

Hi there i have just been diagnosed with ASD and you could say my journey is one less travelled.

I feel i have been fighting ASD all my life as a early diagnosis was never made. i never got that opportunity.I often wondered why something was never right.

my first year lead me to loosing my job due to ASD, i was already depressed and anxious but it lead to further depression,

my second year my doctor finally referred me to a physcologist which by the #

third year i was told i needed referring to learning diffuculties classes ,a whole year went by eventually leading to my fourth year they finally diagnosed me with dsylexia

i was sent for another years course to overcome this dsylexia in which at the end of this they told me they could no longer help me and i was referred back to my doctor

in the fifth year my doctor had exhausted all other avenues and i was referred to heathy minds. as i had already been to most of the institutions who offered help

in my sixth year my doctor finally referred me to a clinic for a ASD assesment .finally in my seventh year i was diagnosed with ASD and learning diffuculties.This lead to futher depression and anxiety which was linked to the ASD.

Now my doctor has referred me to a psychiatrist for them to get me the correct help i need.

I feel the best way to deal with ASD is to keep fighting it,  As it has given me strength

as my writing is somewhat lacking, i have had to beg someone to help me get this put in writing what i have been through.

and still my journey is now carrying on .


  • Hiya. I'm sorry, we're really not supposed to give personal information because it is important for our protection. I know that it isn't nice, but it is important. I don't like it either, but I understand why it has to be this way.

    You know, we are about 1 out of every hundred people, there aren't many of us, and we can't all talk to each other anyway. I am happy to be able to talk with you, because I have the same trouble. No-one understands me, and I get very upset by that.

    I hope you are reading lots of things on here, there are some very interesting people, and it's probably the only way we can talk to our own kind and be listened to.

    It's good to hear from you again

  • hi i know who am i but nobade else does is vaery defcold to till anybade specially         when i can not communiate i love to communiate to people specially people who 

    know how i am.

  • hi what is your name please nothing has change still nobade understand me.

  • Hi fkia,

    It's great to hear that you are getting the support that you need. I just wanted to say that I've removed the name of the doctor, surgery and friend you've mentioned for confidentiality reasons. This is in no way a criticism and it's good that you are sharing your positive experiences with others Smile

    Sofie Mod

  • Me too. Finding out who you are, and suudenly everything making sense that never made sense before - takes some getting used to, doesn't it?

  • born again really that how i feel

  • I'm crying for your hapiness, it's a good feeling. I felt much the same, although I'm still bouncing between deep sorrows and deep joy - everything explained in one diagnosis, it's kind of freeing really, just getting some answers at last.

    I look forward to some more from you, so that we can tell you that no-one here thinks you're loony at all. You'd be surprised at some of the strange stuff that happens to people - surprised, because you thought it was only you!

    Welcome amongst your own kind

  • Today at 3.0p.m. on sunday 11th Ocotber, i discussed my assesment of ASD which i had received a few days ago. My wife read and explained it to me ,and it bought tears to my eyes.

    My wife asked me what was the matter ,which made me even more upset. She asked again whats wrong, I had to think of what to say.I replied there was nothing wrong She asked well why the tears.I replied to her i am not sad , they are tears of Joy.

    This feeling of joy i had never experienced before in my life and i felt so overwelmed and lucky to feel this . My wife asked me what was the feeling like and i said it is hard to explain, but all i could manage to say was i could kiss the hand of my doctor [removed by mod].He was the only one who helped me besides my friend [removed by mod] who prayed for me .I have seen several other Doctors  in the last seven years who was unable to help me .I feel i have been hanging on knifes edge for the last seven years full of deep cuts . 

    My highs and lows have given me so much experience, hopefully one day i will be able to share and help other people.Just like the support and understanding that you are giving me .There is more to this story which  i would like to share with you but i feel even on this site people will think i am crazy.

    I would like to say Thank you. Thank you .Thank you

    P.S i had my wife write this for me  

  • yas i am little nervous but more embarised, i know alot. iwish i could communicat more

  • Well, I think that we all start out a little bit nervous, I know I did. Sometimes I can't write anything at all because it just seems to come out wrong. But I write when I feel OK to, and I don't worry about it if I can't, I can still read what people are talking about, so I still feel part of things.

    It isn't always easy to find the words, I know, but what happens usually is that someone can work out what you're saying and will write back.

    Another thing that happens is that we can say the wrong thing, even when we try to say the right thing. Don't worry about it. If anyone gets funny with you, there are plenty of nice people here who will look after you.

    So, I think we just manage as best we can, same as everyone else I suppose

  • hi i am gartfull for your ofer of help you are my 1st parsen for me to communicat in     writing it not do other people manage?i l like to know

  • how do other people manage?i l like to know

  • If you put these words on here without a professional to help, then you're communicating very well, at least with us!

    I tend to do most of my communicating in writing. I'm not very good at face-to-face conversations, and I dread the telephone and only use it when I'm absolutely forced to. I avoid shops, including the people in them, but can generaly get a pint of beer by asking nicely on those rare occasions when I'm actually in a pub, although I have to have someone with me to go in the first place, and they don't have to mind that I may have to leave quite suddenly.

    Is there someone or some place in particular that you want to communicate with? Perhaps we can help you along, if you will please let us have a chance.

  • how do i  communicate without professionals?

  • Hi. Your story is so like others. I know that your experience is unique to you because we always talk about how everyone suffers different issues in different ways - we are each a complex mix, for sure!

    Thank you for telling us where you are right now, I'm glad you're getting the answers you need at last.