just been diagnosed and i am very upset and confused

hi ..i have just been diagnosed with aspergers and i am look for some advice on strange period ....Cry

  • I think a lot of us on here can relate to what you are describing, Barney Kook. Although I was diagnosed six years ago, I still struggle to fully understand myself and make sense of my condition. When you read about autism in a text book, you are getting a stereotypical or clinical portrayal of what autism entails, which often does not do justice to individual experience. As is often mentioned on this forum by Longman and others, the triad of impairments model of autism does not fully encapsulate the lived experience of actually being on the spectrum. As individuals, we all deal with our challenges in our own unique ways, despite some similarities.

    I am constantly analysing my past experiences, trying to understand what motivated me, and how autism might fit into the picture. When I was diagnosed, I was given a report, but no-one helped me understand my life experiences or offered psychoeducational support. I have had to find out most things for myself, and it is confusing because I still do not have a coherent picture of what it all means.

  • Just diagnosed also...

    I have been searching so hard to find an answer to my anxiety and my constant feeling of unrest and nausea. I was over looked for autism due to me trying to attribute my feelings to a recent head injury. It took years to realize that I have always felt this way, and it was not a result of head trauma. The word autism was used so often in my life I refused to think that was the reason for my ill feelings. Now that I have been diagnosed, The ill feelings are exagerated and more upsetting. I can hardly believe that this horrible blanket I am smothered in is explained in just one word. I research every day what I am feeling, and it always fits neatly into the spectrum analisys. It makes me run back through past events in my life and puts a new perspective on my struggles.

    I am scared.

  • You are probably upset as you have been conditioned by society to view us as inferior, which is just not the case, or fear that others will now view you as inferior but you dont have to advertise your diagnosis and frankly by the time the NHS is willing to diagnose an ASV it has been apparant to basically everyone anyway. As you grow past this perception of inferiority youll become much more comfortable with your diagnosis and by understanding the general characteristics of the condition you can make your own life easier and more pleasant. Your diagnosis is an entirely beneficial event and should be celebrated!

  • Getting used to the diagnosis will take time, but that's OK. It has happened to lots of us. There's loads of information about living with autism and what help may be available. The diagnosis is just like a key to unlocking all of that. It might be useful to read other peoples' stories about how they are living with it. You are still the same person you always were, so try not to get anxious about the title.  Welcome to the forum. Cool

  • I have also been diagnosed recently. It is confusing. What are you struggling with in particular? You are not alone


  • hi,

    welcome to the forum. Lots of people here have been through the diagnosis so we may be able to help.

    What is the strange period you mentioned? Perhaps you could share some more of your experience that lead to you getting diagnosed?