Just want to talk


I have been struggling with my mental health recently.
I was diagnosed with Autism 6 weeks ago and just diagnosed with ADHD as well 2 days ago.

I now find myself in a bit of a rut, I am struggling with my new job and not sure if I can stick at it but my family keeps telling me to stick it out.
I have so many thoughts and feelings just racing through me that I am struggling to keep up. I am making myself ill with so much anxiety.

I could really use a unrelated person to talk to for an open and honest conversation to hopefully feel somewhat normal again but I have no idea where to find it.

  • Also mean to say,

    Audhd as it's known is a coexistence of autism and ADHD. This can make life very different than it would for someone with just one or the other. It's worth looking that up and having a read, you might find you relate to that profile a lot.

    And here's some autism info someone else posted a while back that I found really helpful https://reframingautism.org.au/service/welcome-pack/

  • These are all normal feelings when you get a diagnosis of autism, so if you were already feeling anxious these will be adding to it a bit too.

    If you can take some time out that will help, try not to push yourself to find all the answers to how you feel right away, this will just make you feel more anxious. Try and take your time to work through them one at a time. 

    Start with the things that are causing the biggest issues for you and work down the list.

    It will all be ok, just be sure to take care of yourself and don't push too hard. A little anxiety is normal, especially just after big news like a diagnosis, but don't push yourself into situations that cause anxiety to be overwhelming.

  • Hi Llama, 

    Congratulations on your diagnoses, I hope you are finding our online community helpful for advice and support. I am sorry to hear that you have been struggling with your mental health. 

    You may like to have a look at the mental health section of our website which has useful links to information and advice about a range of mental health issues: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health 

    The following information about anxiety may be of particular interest: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/anxiety 

    You mentioned that you could use an unrelated person to talk to. You may also find the following useful: 

    • Samaritans: Call 116 123 for free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 
    • Mind Infoline: 0300 1233393 for information and signposting (9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday)  
    • SANEline: 0300 304 7000 for anyone experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else (4.30pm to 10.30pm, every day) 
    • Shout 85258: a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone struggling to cope.

    You may want to use our Autism Services Directory to search for therapist services in your area that cater for autistic people. You can find the Directory here: https://www.autism.org.uk/directory.

    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod

  • I know that feeling only too well.  I fought for benefits because my Anxiety would hit the roof with every job I had even when I stuck with it for a year at the most and a month at the least.

    It's so hard to know what to do with so many thoughts racing through your mind.  I think at the very least, you could use a break to process your diagnosis and to find out if there's any services in your area to help support you with the feelings of being diagnosed.

    I'm also aware that your family are probably trying their best to keep you motivated in a job but I share the same sentiments of Lizard Queen in that only you know what's best for you.  I know it doesn't seem that you are able to focus enough to know what's best but you could maybe compare how things are with your past experiences in jobs to see if it's similar?  Then logically you might be able to work out what's the next best move.

    It sounds from your post that you need some time to process everything and then fingers crossed you can move forward with or without your current job.

    Best of luck.

  • I wish I could take time off but I have only been there a month. I have called in sick today because I was unwell last night... I fear that I am letting anxiety get the better of me.

    This is what I am struggling with... how do I know if I am just struggling to adjust or whether this is just not right for me?

    I have definitely found it overwhelming with this diagnosis but I am finding it hard to pin point what it is that is making me feel this way and what I can do to make things better

  • Is it possible to take some time off, even if its just a few days? Sometimes a break is needed in order to then make decisions about what you want to do. Its easy for others to say "stick it out" when they're not the ones in the situation. At the end of the day you got to make decisions in your best interest, if you're struggling too much sticking it out isn't going to be beneficial. That said, how recently did you start the new job? Because some people struggle starting new routines and being in different environments, it is possible that you may need more time to adjust and sticking it out is the only way to get there. That's why I think its important you spend some time to really think about why you feel like you're struggling at work and if the reasons why are related to work or not. 

    Do you think you've struggled more after receiving your diagnosis for ASD? Because I think people can feel worse after receiving a diagnosis for a bit, I did but I don't speak for everyone of course.