
I'm an 18 year old autistic girl who happens to be obsessed with Taylor Swift. She's my special interest....and she inspires me to sing too!!! I love music in general, I also like David Bowie, Elvis Presley, The Beautiful South, Tom Petty, Ed Sheeran and OMD to name a few!

I find music audibly appealing and interesting. When I hear music it makes me feel alive, like I'm in another world, floating through space. When I'm immersed in music I feel as if nothing can hurt me. I feel at my strongest.

Listening to music makes me so happy. And singing is the same. With both I feel completely free and at peace.

I also like creative writing, reading and swimming. At school I won three school swimming contests lol. I also have an interest in professional swimmers.

  • Blogging sounds fun! It's something I've always wanted to do but so far I haven't started a blog. I would like to blog about my life with autism, or about Taylor Swift lol.
    I also write short stories, normally fiction stories, that's my go to writing. I'm not trying for published writing at the moment either, I just enjoy the writing.

    I've tried implementing humour in to my writing before but humour is something I don't really understand so it's difficult. If humans have a humour plug then I don't think mine is plugged in :/

  • I do a lot of blogging and write short stories, novels (if I have the time). Although I'm not trying to get published.

    I go for humour mainly that's the style I like! It's good fun. Gives me lolz! How about you, what do you write about?

  • She isn't for everyone for sure. I'm the only one in my family who likes her music :) but for me I sort of grew up with her and her music, and some of her songs were the only light available when I was mentally ill. Music carried me through the storms that hit me. It is a wonderful release and a fun thing to do.

    Ooh cool! What kind of writing do you like to do? I love writing! I love everything about writing, especially the creative process, having an idea and then bringing it to life. I love that.

  • Hi there! I've never really listened to any of Taylor Swift's music it wouldn't be my type of thing, but great to hear she inspires you. Music is a fantastic release and very life-affirming. 

    I'm a writer as well, you're right on that. Creativity is great for autism, it lets you take control of a project and express yourself.