
I'm an 18 year old autistic girl who happens to be obsessed with Taylor Swift. She's my special interest....and she inspires me to sing too!!! I love music in general, I also like David Bowie, Elvis Presley, The Beautiful South, Tom Petty, Ed Sheeran and OMD to name a few!

I find music audibly appealing and interesting. When I hear music it makes me feel alive, like I'm in another world, floating through space. When I'm immersed in music I feel as if nothing can hurt me. I feel at my strongest.

Listening to music makes me so happy. And singing is the same. With both I feel completely free and at peace.

I also like creative writing, reading and swimming. At school I won three school swimming contests lol. I also have an interest in professional swimmers.

  • Hi there! I've never really listened to any of Taylor Swift's music it wouldn't be my type of thing, but great to hear she inspires you. Music is a fantastic release and very life-affirming. 

    I'm a writer as well, you're right on that. Creativity is great for autism, it lets you take control of a project and express yourself. 

  • She isn't for everyone for sure. I'm the only one in my family who likes her music :) but for me I sort of grew up with her and her music, and some of her songs were the only light available when I was mentally ill. Music carried me through the storms that hit me. It is a wonderful release and a fun thing to do.

    Ooh cool! What kind of writing do you like to do? I love writing! I love everything about writing, especially the creative process, having an idea and then bringing it to life. I love that.

  • I do a lot of blogging and write short stories, novels (if I have the time). Although I'm not trying to get published.

    I go for humour mainly that's the style I like! It's good fun. Gives me lolz! How about you, what do you write about?

  • I like to info dump about my interests. I've found I can talk about them for hours, if people will listen lol.

    Ditto! Info dumping is encouraged and celebrated here!

  • Absolutely, community and dedicated interests are so important!

    Yes it's a good way of finding enjoyment and also a great way of expressing ourselves.

    I like to info dump about my interests. I've found I can talk about them for hours, if people will listen lol.

  • So far my autistic journey has been an interesting one, it's had ups and downs, and at times I've really struggled but I've found reading of others experiences has really helped me like listening to Taylor Swift. I

    Absolutely, community and dedicated interests are so important!

    You are so welcome!

  • I like your username BTW. It's clever Blush

  • Thank you for the links! Slight smile

    So far my autistic journey has been an interesting one, it's had ups and downs, and at times I've really struggled but I've found reading of others experiences has really helped me like listening to Taylor Swift. I'm sorry others struggle too but reading of their experiences inspires me. It gives me the glimmer of hope that things will get better. That I can overcome the challenges life puts my way.

  • Yes I have written for Autistic Village since January. Maybe you have read my blogs, which ones have you read?

    I'm newly diagnosed and still learning so much about myself. Sites like this and Autistic Village are really useful in giving helpful advice.

    Absolutely! Couldn’t agree more! If you want to explore your autistic experience in more depth I strongly recommend Aucademy:



    I hope this helps you in your autistic discovery journey!

  • Thanks, I love it! I have just finished a draft of my fourth blog and sent it off to the Autistic Village website.

    That's great! Good luck with that. I like Autistic Village. Have you done blogs for them before? It's possible I've read them if you have Slight smile 

    I'm newly diagnosed and still learning so much about myself. Sites like this and Autistic Village are really useful in giving helpful advice.

  • Good point! Yeah, I guess I just have a really lame sense of humour in that I find little to nothing funny. I guess much of it is what we find funny is really subjective and unique to the individual and our response likewise is just as personal.

    Absolutely, humour is very subjective!

    According to my mum my grandfather was the same as me, didn't react to humour. I wonder if he was autistic as well? I would love to ask, if he were still alive.

    That would be interesting to explore. Being autistic is definitely genetic.

    That's great you enjoy blogging about your autistic experiences! It's a healthy release blogging and a very positive thing to do. I'm glad you enjoy it!

    Thanks, I love it! I have just finished a draft of my fourth blog and sent it off to the Autistic Village website.

  • Good point! Yeah, I guess I just have a really lame sense of humour in that I find little to nothing funny. I guess much of it is what we find funny is really subjective and unique to the individual and our response likewise is just as personal.

    Absolutely, humour is very subjective!

    According to my mum my grandfather was the same as me, didn't react to humour. I wonder if he was autistic as well? I would love to ask, if he were still alive.

    That would be interesting to explore. Being autistic is definitely genetic.

    That's great you enjoy blogging about your autistic experiences! It's a healthy release blogging and a very positive thing to do. I'm glad you enjoy it!

    Thanks, I love it! I have just finished a draft of my fourth blog and sent it off to the Autistic Village website.
