Disabilities and loneliness

I’m a 19 year old woman and I am disabled. I am autistic, have a condition called nvld, i also have sensory processing disorder, tourettes syndrome and three types of anxiety. this all leads me to struggle a lot in my daily life. I feel as if I don’t have any independence as I can’t really do anything alone and have to rely on others.  At the moment im unsure as to what to do because I want to make friends and have a project to work on but I am hardly able to leave my house and I don’t work due to my disabilities.

Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do in my spare time or how I can feel less lonely without going to places since I can’t go on my own? I hope this post was okay, i couldn’t think of what to say really. 

  • Hi there! So long as you have an internet connection and a computer, you should get creative. I keep myself busy in my spare time with creative projects. Start a blog or a YouTube channel. WordPress is great for blogging as you get a big community with it and meet people online with similar interests.

    If you like video games, join Twitch. You can chat and contribute to live streams and that's a good way to socialise a little. There's always someone streaming, too, so find streamers you like! It does help you feel less lonely. 

    Creativity is really important, though, it's the thing that's kept me sane over the last 10+ years working on my writing projects.

  • thank you, I’ve been meaning to start a blog even though I’m unsure of how to and what to write on there. I don’t really play video games but appreciate the advice! 

  • I’ve been meaning to start a blog even though I’m unsure of how to and what to write on there.

    I would suggest reading a range of other blogs who cover related subjects to the ones you are interested in.

    Make notes on their style, content, frequency of posting etc and build up some ideas on how you can make it work for you.

    One very important thing to remember if that it should be fun. It is all too easy to fall into a bleak mood if you get a negative post on the blog or feel pressured into seeming that you are living your best life and end up faking it to try to be making it.

    Honest and authentic posting is the best way to go in my opinion. People (the ones you want to reach anyway) will feel that and appreciate it and the trolls are going to be there regardless so learn to spot them and filter them out.

    I don’t have any friends and also struggle to make them because of the autism. 

    If it isn't too personal, can you tell us why you don't think you can make them pease?

    From my side I find I lack the skills to engage in a lot of the small talk although I have learned to script this over the years. It takes a lot of effort and in the end I prefer to keep it very occasional only that I interact with friends and prefer the less demanding online coversations (like here for example) instead.

    I'm only asking so we can come up with suggestions for you IF you do want to make more friends.

  • it definitely is a challenge and thank you, that’s kind of you to offer.

  • Not being able to read people or you own emotions is quite the challenge.  makes it very hard to engage with people.
    If you want to talk about it, please feel free to message me, i know I find it beneficial.

  • Not being able to read people or you own emotions is quite the challenge.  makes it very hard to engage with people.
    If you want to talk about it, please feel free to message me, i know I find it beneficial.
