Disabilities and loneliness

I’m a 19 year old woman and I am disabled. I am autistic, have a condition called nvld, i also have sensory processing disorder, tourettes syndrome and three types of anxiety. this all leads me to struggle a lot in my daily life. I feel as if I don’t have any independence as I can’t really do anything alone and have to rely on others.  At the moment im unsure as to what to do because I want to make friends and have a project to work on but I am hardly able to leave my house and I don’t work due to my disabilities.

Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do in my spare time or how I can feel less lonely without going to places since I can’t go on my own? I hope this post was okay, i couldn’t think of what to say really. 

  • Hi I’m 23 F, I’m in a similar position as you. I have autism and other disabilities too. I’m house bound pretty much 5-6 days out of the week I’m struggling a lot atm with loneliness so I get you. Even if I make friends it’s hard enough to connect with them because of the autism but finding common ground is harder than ever I feel like so many people my age are at such a different phase of life than I am, they’re travelling, settling down, starting family’s and I’m just here feeling like I’m just existing. My family suggested I just go out even if it’s on my own and just go to a cafe, library and shopping but again it’s on my own. I’ve tried online chats but it never moves outside of the chats. Anyway I don’t really have any advice because I don’t know wtf I’m doing myself haha I’m just saying I get you and I feel ya loneliness 

  • Hi em thank you for replying, I don’t know who you are obviously but by what you’ve said I think you sound like a lovely person. that’s exactly how I feel, I don’t have any friends and also struggle to make them because of the autism. 

    that makes so much sense, when I see what people my age are doing I often feel behind! those are some good suggestions, I’m actually quite bad at navigating my way round so don’t go out often, hence why I don’t feel very independent.

    I understand, I also don’t know what I’m doing and thank you for taking the time to write this response out.

  • Hi em thank you for replying, I don’t know who you are obviously but by what you’ve said I think you sound like a lovely person. that’s exactly how I feel, I don’t have any friends and also struggle to make them because of the autism. 

    that makes so much sense, when I see what people my age are doing I often feel behind! those are some good suggestions, I’m actually quite bad at navigating my way round so don’t go out often, hence why I don’t feel very independent.

    I understand, I also don’t know what I’m doing and thank you for taking the time to write this response out.

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