Hello, I’m new

I’ve come to the forum to find identification. I believe I am on the AS but haven’t had a formal diagnosis. I’m in my sixties and autism wasn’t talked about when I was growing up. I may not post much, but if I get identification, it might jolt me from my lethargy and make me go for diagnosis.

I’m pleased to meet you all 

  • Hi and welcome, I’m 56 and have my assessment soon, people of our generation had no chance of help, if autism had of been known about it would halve been treated as a mental illness that needed curing.

    I’ve chosen to get a formal diagnosis, it’s not for everyone, many here self identify for many different reasons and all valid.I just need I suppose validation to stop my imposter syndrome and to answer a lot of questions through my life.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

  • Hi and welcome, I’m 56 and have my assessment soon, people of our generation had no chance of help, if autism had of been known about it would halve been treated as a mental illness that needed curing.

    I’ve chosen to get a formal diagnosis, it’s not for everyone, many here self identify for many different reasons and all valid.I just need I suppose validation to stop my imposter syndrome and to answer a lot of questions through my life.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
