Bouts of burnout

Lately I've been suffering from what I believe to be burnout. It happens regularly, I am very tired and have little energy and strength. I spend much time in my room in bed, napping throughout the day. I suffered mentally two years ago after a family death and since then I get what I feel is bouts of burnout. Some days I feel ok but it doesn't last and then days like today I don't feel so good.

How do you deal with burnout? I rest, it helps but I feel it's such a waste of time and life as all I do is lay in bed. My father calls me lazy. Today though I did manage to do some reading, I use a Kindle now as my vision is terrible. Music is my escape, I love listening to songs it gets me through the day. If I spend too much time up and doing things I get dizzy and very tired, fast. Then I've got to go back to bed until my energy and strength increases again.

  • Thank you all. I'm feeling much more like it again today after resting up over the weekend Heart

  • Hi No you are not lazy. Burnout can be common with Autistic people even without severe bereavement trauma and one can compound the other. It seems as there is a cause that it might be going to look for ways to work through the causes whether therapy or other stuff but you are not lazy. Take care.

  • Hi Katy97 sorry to hear you've been suffering from burn out - I thought this page on our site might be useful to you next time you are feeling this: 



  • I suffered mentally two years ago after a family death and since then I get what I feel is bouts of burnout.

    The key to dealing with your situation is most likely to address the root cause - if it is what you mention here then getting a therapist to work through the grief is probably the healthiest way to process it, accept it and be able to mourne and move on with life.

    The longer you let it weigh you down the harder it will be to deal with it.

    That's what I would do in your shoes.

  • You aren't lazy you're autistic and unfortunately burnout is a regular part of our lives. You're doing the right thing by resting, don't force yourself to do things, do them when you feel ready and don't force yourself to get better or you'll put yourself right back! 

    If you can try to work out what's caused you burnout. If it's stress, try to eliminate what's stressing you out and that will help you recover from this.

    Look after yourself Katy and don't let anybody put you downThumbsup

  • Try to sleep it off and gradually do something calming e.g. a word search or something silly like a colouring book.

  • Never feel guilty for having a rest (I know it's not as simple as that but you know what I mean).

    It's definitely best to do things at your own pace, you're definitely not being lazy in my eyes. If you carried on at 100mph you'll feel worse.