Discovering myself (in my 50's)

My journey to discovery began last week, when a friend suggested I may be on the spectrum and after researching I am convinced.

Aside from some other obvious traits I often feel what others feel and often it overwhelms me. Although I am getting better over the years, it can take days to recover. I struggle to work in an office as I feel too overloaded by noises, lights, emotions, it’s like I have no filter and I am looking at people wondering what super-powers they have that they can just tune it all out..!?

I honestly feel that now I have had my eyes opened – that I am happy. I was buzzing today knowing that I may not be the only person and that there are others out there that “get me” or maybe experience some of the challenges I do. Also, I feel very lucky that I can function out there.

BIG WAVE to all

  • I’m 51 next month and it has took me till now to realise that I am different, my daughter who is 20 has been diagnosed with autism and I have the same traits as her, I have struggled all my life with the way I am, I may come across as rude sometimes and I have no friends because people don’t get on with me. I am going to the doctors to ask for a referral, am I doing the right thing or should I leave it alone at this late stage.

  • Hi Linz,

    Great to hear from you.

    Good question. Personally I believe there are two considerations. Firstly, it depends on whether having an official diagnosis is personally important to you or if you're content with self-identifying. Secondly, as people have mentioned, an official diagnosis can open up opportunities for support and assistance. Additionally, as Ottilie pointed out, without a diagnosis, you may not have legal protection as an autistic individual.

    Ultimately, the decision on whether to pursue an official diagnosis depends on your own preferences and goals. Initially, I chose to self-identify, (especially considering the potential delays in obtaining an appointment through the NHS in the UK). However, after hearing from others, I will pursue an official one.

    Remember that you don't have to make a decision today. If this was a surprise revelation, it might be beneficial to give yourself a few days to let the information settle and gain a fresh perspective before deciding.

    Let me know your thoughts.

  • Thank you so much,  think I am going to push for a referral because I would like to know, should I tell work that I am doing this,

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