Feeling like a fraud


following months of doubt I decided to contact a Psychologist and we had a chat. He has told me that there is sufficient evidence Togo for a full assessment which is booked. However, even though I can look at how I behave and have it explained I have this doubt, fear that it may be wrong and I am fitting symptoms/ behaviours to suit. I scored 9 on AQ10 and 37 on AQ50.

The more I read and how difficult some people’s lives are mine doesn’t seem that bad, hence the feeling like a fraud. I may be overthinking this as well.

Part of me is frightened of being identified the other frightened of not being as it explains who I am and that’s important. 

is this typical?  Sorry if it seems jumbled 

  • Thank you for your responses

  • Hi there :) 

    I kinda get how you're feeling. My assessment is next week (eek!) but I'm 90% sure I already know what they're going to say. 

    I feel like 'other people have it much worse' - and I also sometimes feel like a fraud because I guess many things in life aren't bad for me. But if I break it down, I have had to suffer more than most people and it's hard to say if all my mental health issues are actually tied up with being undiagnosed autistic this whole time? 

    Good luck with going into the assessment it sounds like you have good support already! 

  • Hi.  I've recently been diagnosed.  It came as a big shock.  I went through something similar to you. My life is pretty good, but I've started to struggle more following the return to 'normal' following covid. As I was going through the process I felt like a fraud a lot ot the time, almost like I was looking for an excuse for my weaknesses / perceived failures.  I beat myself up a lot about it.  To be honest, once I decided to seek diagnosis, I deliberately didn't do any research into what would happen, as I was worried about second guessing what the answers 'should' be. What did help, was writing a report on the different stages of my life.  It brought up some painful memories, but as I worked on it alongside going through the diagnostic process it helped to get my mind ready. By the time I was given a diagnosis I'd made peace with myself. Good luck.  

  • Perhaps review some of the numerous videos on autism on youtube.  there are many facets to autism and it affects different people differently.  perhaps look a the descriptions of autism in the youtube videos and write down anything in you life that is similar .. there are a number of things that I thought were personal quirks, but area actually typical of people with autism.

  • You are not a fraud, whether you are Autistic or not. 

    I often feel the same way.  I have never been assessed, but am certain I have Aspergers.  Life has always been a struggle, but I have always managed to get by on my own.

    If your psychologist has suggested an assessment then I would go ahead with it.

  • Autism is a super broad category, so it doesn't make you a fake just because it manifests in different ways and you deal with some things better than others. There's a reason assessments have so many things factored in; all you can do is go through it, be honest and trust that they'll make an accurate judgment.