1950s / 60s / 70s Era

Hi everyone Relaxed 

I'm new here so just wanted to say hi and hopefully make some new friends with similar interests.

Although I'm in my early 30s, I've always had a bit of an obsession over the 1950s, 60s and 70s era's from music, fashion/ vintage clothing, sewing patterns, crochet patterns/books, hairstyles and of course the VW Campervan and Beetle.

Does anyone else like these era's?

Share your experiences, hobbies and interests or what songs you like from the 50s, 60s or 70s. I would love to hear them Blush

  • the beauty of not being alive then is I can indulge to my hearts content with rose tinted spectacles

    Thats a very good way of looking at it. I do the same

  • i was born in '69 and have always loved the music from the 60's and 70's (my guilty secret is listening to Tony Blackburn on a Saturday morning...Tell no one haha)

    cant say i was a big fan of the 70's fashion, having to wear my brothers hand me down flares and big collared shirts 

    Think for my music soul i was born 20 years too late, absolutely love the mid to late 60's music

  • I do feel a bit like a time traveller, having experienced the 60's and 70's and 80's. First as a small kid, then as a teen, then as a young adult. 

  • Exactly.  A very reasoned man.

  • David Nut is anything but.

    I should be proud to wear a T-shirt with that slogan.  He's another one who is out of step but wholly sensible and reasoned to my ears....and demonstrably competent, experienced and independent in his thinking.  What's not to like?

  • I didn't know that.  Huge, huge civilian death toll in that war.  It was hell on earth for the civilian population.

  • Have you ever seen the rain was about the bombs in Vietnam. 

  • The Kinks and CCR.  My kind of music. Fav songs Lola and Looking Out My Back Door.

  • The Drug War destroyed Western Society, and helped nurture a Counterculture revival. 

    If people want to take drugs, fine. But if they recruit our Children to their ways, then the line must be drawn. 

  • Don't worry about fluff like that too much.  It's always good to get it right if you can, but don't let fear of bad spelling or grammar stop you from  expressing yourself.

    You might have noticed that I stuck with your aloud rather than allowed because it wasn't the important bit of what we were sharing together.

    And for the record....your English and grammar doesn't stink at all - at least, not to to my nose, eyes nor brain.

  • Sorry I meant allowed*

    My english and grammar stinks

    I try to focus on my writing and try hard but it makes me tired and frustrated cause I can't get it right

    I do try to be Internet safe tho

  • I'm not going to get into the inns and outs of what I think, as i risk breaking the forum rules (which coincidentally were amended roundabout the time i last spoke about this). There are some which are obviously very harmful and addictive but not all are, and some legal ones do just as much harm. There's great medicinal benefit being researched on this and there was until it was shut down in the seventies. We have lost many decades of research and treatments for mental health because of political ideologies.

    The podcast is hosted by a neuropsychopharmacologist from Imperial College who has also done a documentary on the BBC. 

  • Didn't working class people have more rights in the latter half of the 20th century than they do now?  Due to Union Strength and density.  New Labour never scrapped Thatchers anti trade union laws unfortunately.  If you're working in the private sector now it's more likely to be a non union workplace and you are then relying on the  benevolence of employers to set your pay and hours.  I would say what we have now is a veneer of liberalism under a free market system that's function is to increase inequality.

  • I don't know. I worry that socially we might have peeked in the 90s/00s ... although obviously technology marches on.

  • The modern world is better in some ways but not  as many as you think.

    For fear of giving a huge reply, I'll just say that I'd far rather live in 21st Century UK than at any point in the past for a long variety of reasons, but just looking at the rights and opportunities of women, LGBTQ+, children, people with psychiatric 'illnesses' and the working classes compared to the 20th Century (and most definitely before) will illustrate my point.

  • Ah well ... I dare say some clever chemist who knows the potency of this or that agent may be able to dabble in psychedelics without becoming an addict or risking their health ... But that's not true of most people. My general opinion is that possession / production without intent to supply should be a purely rehabilitative crime. In short all a judge should be able to sentence an addict to for possession is therapy of some kind. Drug dealing on the other hand is a serious social ill that needs cracking down on.

  • I've heard Germaine Greer say something like (I'm paraphrasing) that once women were slaves to their husbands but now they are slaves to their bosses (joining men).  The modern world is better in some ways but not  as many as you think.  I think modern Britain is the pits for most people in it.

  • At this point I would like to introduce you to the Drug Science podcast. It might change your mind.

  • People are still people wherever you go. For good and ill.

  • Wise Trisha.

    If you are in any doubt.....then DON'T.

    Debbie is very clear minded - and I definitely know that she aloud to.